On 24-Feb-2014 12:37 -0800, Briggs, Trevor (TBriggs2) wrote:
Thanks for transcribing the contents of that link, Chuck.
However, by doing so you are reinforcing behavior that I was trying
to discourage.
I agree; to a point. But given the content was apparently fleeting
[per the reference to webcache in the link], I figured it was somewhat
worthless to appear in the archives without some clarification... at
least for some poor schmuck who runs across the message, who has no idea
how to decode that nearly 1KB URL.
Namely, I found that information by doing a 10-second
Google search, which the OP could have done just as easily.
Perhaps. But I did three searches that yielded either nothing or
overwhelming amounts of apparently useless\unrelated junk. Only
persistence paid off. I often will record what the magic incantation
was for me; i.e. the search(es) that yielded something relevant. For
example, I tried yet another search just now, that gave some more
interesting results, quite different than any prior web search I
performed; the search was on the following two tokens: IBM "QACX"
Still, nothing of what I perused in the results and then chose to
open to read\review further, had clarified exactly what of the OS would
be creating the files by that naming convention, and what was their
purpose. Mostly just supposition, speculation, and implication... some
of which I know is pure nonsense, but very doubtful most others will be
able to distinguish what is worthwhile information from that which is
just a WAG [but not generally explicitly clarified as such].
The information on this mailing list is excellent, but it shouldn't
be a first resort.
Sure. But we do not even know if the OP uses JDE.? The naming
prefix of 'Q' is reserved for the OS and Licensed Program Products, so
the origin of the files may be [and hopefully is] an OS\LPP feature;
something of the OS\LPP that possibly also just happens to be used by
the Oracle JDE. Thus the issue for the OP may have a different origin,
whereby the JDE doc references may not be germane. FWiW: the naming
QAzz for database files identifies 'zz' as the /owning component/ of the
OS\LPP; in this case, that could be the 'CX', but the STMF is not a
database file, and I am not aware of the OS system-naming convention
established for naming STMF. Another naming convention [as is used with
programs] is Qzzz or Qzz; both CBL and C++ have objects that use CX as
an apparent component name, the latter includes library name QCXXN as an
option of 57##WDS once known by the name "WebSphere Development Studio
for iSeries"
FWiW: Some of us participating here operate purely altruistically,
and the responses supplied may reflect that... Even to the
disappointment of those who instead might choose to send the OP to a
link for lmgtfy.com to discourage them asking questions that are easily
resolved with a web search ;-) even if only with more experienced
web-searching skills. While IMO many past and current participants may
well be deserving of such responses, I did not recall the OP being
someone who _I_ would feel justified in responding that way.... even if
there are some others about whom I might just feel that way ;-)
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