On 12-Mar-2014 11:49 -0700, Alan Shore wrote:
I (hopefully) understand what you are saying about the running
interactively versus by submit job (SBMJOB)
Perhaps not. Because I would have expected in that reply, either a
confirmation that the "SBMJOB CMD(CALL the_CLP)" was used and either the
output was found to be in a QPRINT spool file for that batch job or that
the joblog of the batch job confirmed the output was purged [i.e. the
implicitly created database file QPRINT in QTEMP was deleted], or an
implication that the OP had failed to include any mention that the
output from the ls request appeared at the display.
If the override scope is explicit [e.g. OVRSCOPE(*CALLLVL)] or by
another means is ensured to be appropriate for the invocation [of either
QP2SHELL or QP2SHELL2], then the use of batch versus interactive should
be moot. That is, having ensured the Override With Database File
(OVRDBF) to the FILE(STDOUT) is in effect for the invoked shell request
[i.e. ensuring a properly scoped override], the Standard Output always
should be directed consistently to the named TOFILE() [and MBR()]
instead of going to the display when run interactively and instead of
going to whatever is the available QPRINT when run in batch.
However - you state
"Instead of piping the results of the request directly to grep, log
the output from the request to a file, and then grep the file that
holds that output. The output file can be reviewed after the request
The question is - how would I do that in the example I included
(forgive me - my mind is just mush with this)
Redirect instead of pipe.
The example is currently; truncating the grep activity, replaced with
an ellipsis:
echo "cd DNBT2O/incoming/ATG/ESB/RequestCatalog/feed/\nls" >
/tmp/sftpscript.txt && sftp -b /tmp/sftpscript.txt j_nbty@sftp
ftpnonprodnbtysldc | grep ...
My alluded change to that, would be something like the following,
whereby the grep request must get updated to act on the sftpoutputfile:
echo "cd DNBT2O/incoming/ATG/ESB/RequestCatalog/feed/\nls" >
/tmp/sftpscript.txt && sftp -b /tmp/sftpscript.txt j_nbty@sftp
ftpnonprodnbtysldc > sftpOutputFile && grep ...
Having redirected the sftp output to the sftpOutpuFile [instead of
piping the output to the grep] means that the file by that name [in the
current directory] will remain for later access\viewing after the
overall request completes, *and* that the file remains available as
input to the next request [which is the grep request]. The use of '&'
vs '&&' might be a consideration; I chose the '&&' in my revision
alluded above.
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