On 22-Mar-2014 00:55 -0700, Birgitta Hauser wrote:
CRPence on Friday, 21.3.2014 21:51 wrote:
On 21-Mar-2014 12:41 -0700, Stone, Joel wrote:
I would like to select 5 rows (of thousands) where field1 = 'A'
and union that with 5 rows where field1 = 'B'
How can I accomplish this with SQL?
I have tried variations of
select * from file1
where field1 = 'A'
select * from file1
where field1 = 'B'
To use the FETCH ... ONLY clause in that context, the subquery
must be a derived table expression; e.g. a Nested Table Expression
(NTE). <<SNIP>>
This rule was removed with release 6.1, i.e. FETCH FIRST x ROWS
and ORDER BY can be directly used within a Sub-Select. But the
Sub-Select must be enclosed in parentheses.
The following statement works on Release 7.1 without any problem:
( Select *
from MyTable
Where MyField1 = 'A'
Order By MyField2 Desc
Fetch First 5 rows only
( Select *
From MyTable
Where MyField1 = 'B'
Order By MyField2 Desc
Fetch First 5 Rows Only
And even the following statement works without any problems:
( Select *
from MyTable
Where MyField1 = 'A'
Order By MyField2 Desc
Fetch First 5 rows only
( Select *
From MyTable
Where MyField1 = 'B'
Order By MyField2 Desc
Fetch First 5 Rows Only
Order By MyField2, MyField1
I was actually aware of that, but I can not test anything beyond v5r3
:-( I should have clarified that the restriction I had noted, was known
to exist for that earlier release, and I should have offered
additionally, what I expected would be valid [though untested] in newer
releases. Yet, there was no mention of the available VRM in the OP.
So, that the code I offered operates within the limitations of older
releases as well as on newer releases, makes my examples functional for
a wider audience :-)
Unfortunately I chose to be curt and was being somewhat cynical in my
reply, because I recalled offering up effectively the same reply as
quoted just above, in the recent past topic "Subject: SQL UNION and
by the same OP; FWiW, the above reply makes an even better conclusion to
what is in that earlier thread. However I just checked, and noticed
that my reply was never sent [found the message in my /drafts/ folder],
either because my system crashed [e.g. per power loss, as I have no
battery] or I had decided your reply
http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l/201402/msg00346.html> was
sufficient. But I see now, in review [rather than depending solely on
my recollection], that discussion did not include the FETCH FIRST
clause, just ORDER BY. Consider my smirking expression erased, replaced
with that of shame.
FWiW: I expect the UNION shown in the example from the OP as one of
the "variations" tried, does not express an explicit intent. The
original UNION [DISTINCT] was replaced by a UNION ALL in my reply
[though snipped], because the expressed requirements seem not to want to
effect distinct processing on the results of each subquery. Thus there
would seem no reason to effect de-duplication of those two sets via
distinct processing on the overall result set; i.e. while fewer than "5
rows" may result naturally due to a lack of that many matching rows,
fewer than five rows resulting instead due to distinct processing would
seem to vitiate the expressed requirements. And if each of the combined
sets are already naturally distinct, then any work to perform distinct
processing on the overall result set, would be unnecessary overhead.
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