On 05-Aug-2014 10:16 -0500, Briggs, Trevor (TBriggs2) wrote:
<<SNIP>> if Job A issues an update that causes a long-running trigger
to fire and then Job B issues an update to the same file, then Job
B's program will wait (the default wait time for the file?) and, if
it cannot successfully update in that time, the update operation will
No. A Job-B that performs an update to a different row of the same
file that Job-A had updated [and for which the trigger program was
activated in Job-A], will be unaffected by the trigger activation in
Job-A. They are distinct[ly triggered] events that will operate
concurrently just like any two distinct updates [non-conflicting; not to
the same row] of the same file in different threads\jobs.
The other thread\job will wait for any particular row being updated
in the original thread\job, but then, the wait is the Record Wait
(WAITRCD) rather than File Wait (WAITFILE) or Default Wait (DFTWAIT)
time. Trigger activations are allowed concurrently; effectively the
same as I/O without triggers, so the two jobs operating against
different rows have no conflict with regard to triggers generally. Only
if the trigger program was coded to do something specific for which some
concurrency is a problem [or otherwise maybe the concurrent work just
exhibits inhibited results due to some contention that allows sufficient
wait time to alleviate the contentious work while not also exceeding the
minimum length of time allowed for a triggered operation to complete].
So at issue is, that whatever the trigger program does [what the
programmer coded the trigger program to do], may or may not allow for
any particular level of concurrency; as user-coded, the onus is on the
programmer of the trigger to understand what concurrency issues their
code [which just happens to be encapsulated in a trigger program] might
have. And in the example from the OP, part of that work is a CLRPFM
[obviously of some file member other than the one for the triggered I/O]
which hardly allows for concurrency; that work must be serialized at the
member-level for the data, not at the record-level. The programmer of
the trigger program has the option to resolve that potential issue
however they see fit; again, the DB has no issue with concurrency due
solely to a trigger program being defined and active.
So, that is potentially even more dangerous than just causing a
slow-down in updates. My gut feeling is that you can never just "bolt
on" a trigger program to a file without evaluating the potential
effect on every program that touches the file.
Any function\code change should be reviewed and tested as such; for
whatever impacts that code change will have on other programs. In the
case of a trigger operating at database-level, then any program that
interfaces with that file for the triggered I/O has _a potential_ to be
impacted. But for typical business logic that was moved from a program
into the database to be performed via a trigger, the impact often is
limited mostly to those programs that [might] perform that same or
similar business logic that has been moved into the trigger; for the
most part, changes to avoid duplicating\doubling the effect of any work
that was moved into the trigger. The slight delay for the triggered I/O
and then either a nearly unnoticeable amount of time for perform the
actual triggered work or even a somewhat extended delay for more complex
work are usually /noticed/ by other code only as a slightly longer
record lock time-held such that not even increasing Wait Record Timeout
(WAITRCD) is required because the delay\wait is just slightly increased;
except old database files created prior to that attribute being
increased to 60-seconds, for which IIRC the WAITRCD(*IMMED) might have
any slowdowns registered as record-lock timeouts.
And for most triggers implementing some business logic, there is
often little concern except for impact to batch operations [i.e. a
"slow-down"], for which deactivating or removing the trigger is often
desirable when also running both with the assumption that the batch work
does not require the business logic and the batch access prevents any
concurrent [non-batch] I/O that should have the business logic applied;
the effect of the business logic that was pushed down into the database
may be undesirable to be performed for certain batched updates, either
because the batch updates have been coded explicitly to perform that
same business logic already [knowing the triggers are best deactivated
in advance] or because performing some _external actions_ [such as
sending email notifications] might be inappropriate within batched
updates as contrasted with when those updates transpire during normal
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