On 12-Aug-2014 07:33 -0500, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
On 12-Aug-2014 07:08 -0500, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
IBM owns up to this issue. They just say it's the customer's problem to
Reference #: N1017745 "Restoring Authorization to Objects in QSYS"
I just submitted a DCR that this is BS.
Suggested an exit on SAVSYS, and on RSTAUT, that IBM do this
There would be no good justification [that I could imagine] for the
IBM i OS code to implement\perform the work /as described/ in that
Technote. There would seem to be little reason to perform work on both
ends, performing work both during the save and the recovery\post-restore
processing, adding unnecessary complexity betwixt. The back-end could
identify and correct the issue without any fore knowledge of the Save
System (SAVSYS) that was taken. That is true also for a user doing the
work, restricting their work only to the back-end; the difference being,
that the available external interfaces are as I recall, much less
straightforward, most notably because the Display Object Authority
(DSPOBJAUT) command is not capable of performing against generic object
names and types.
The OS could for example, add a new parameter to Restore Authorities
(RSTAUT) to enable a request to perform the work necessary to /correct/
the issue; a parameter such as QSYSPUBAUT() could include special
value(s) that direct if\how to perform that corrective action. The
feature would need to locate any objects suffering from the
illogical\anomalous condition whereby the object has a named *AUTL
object but the *PUBLIC authority is not set to directed to the *AUTL; a
condition that would normally be prevented by msg CPF2279 "Authorization
list &1 cannot be deleted." given the Delete Authorization List
(DLTAUTL) would be the seemingly more direct means to effect that condition.
As part of the RSTAUT, the design could be to review all external
objects in QSYS looking for those exhibiting the condition, and then
perform the effective Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) request to
assign the USER(*PUBLIC) to the AUT(*AUTL); the prior phase of
processing, the effect of GRTOBJAUT USER() AUT() AUTL(named) is already
visible. IIRC the *AUTL objects can not be interrogated on the back-end
[as described in the Technote for the front-end], because the
Authorization List objects are restored as /empty/, and are reconnected
to the objects that are restored as part of normal Public Authority
processing; thus the list of objects shown by DSPAUTLOBJ grows only as
each object that references the *AUTL has been restored.
If already multi-threaded the RSTAUT could perform that additional
work in a separate thread in the same job, or possibly design a
capability to [optionally] perform that work in the background so as to
limit the impact to the more typical capabilities of that feature to
recover the _private_ authorities. Anyone who would re-apply their
customizations would likely opt to bypass that new function, whereas
anyone who does not expect to have to re-apply their customizations [of
authority granted via Authorization List for objects in QSYS] can
recover those specific authority customizations with the standard OS
commands for DR; of course those would not re-apply, still potentially
will encounter issues whereby authority customizations are lost, for any
objects whose authorities get overridden\explicitly-set by QSYFIXUP [or
some other] processing that typically would exist as corrective for a
public authority SNAFU from a prior release [such as the
already-discussed RSTOBJ command].
FWiW: Possibly [though I am in no way recommending this; but one
could do so just to test], the /Authority Recovery/ phase of a Reclaim
Storage (RCLSTG) request that includes *ALL processing [optionally
omitting anything available to be omitted] very probably performs the
same /recovery/ that one could effect as described above.
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