Each evening we bring down all users and run save-while-active on production files.
Once in a while the save-while-active job cannot get a lock on a file.
After bringing down the online system, we would like to run a job prior to the save that sends a text message to a few people showing the JOB/lib/file of any production objects with a lock on them.
This would avoid the scenario where the SAVE job cannot get a lock on each and every object for a moment.
Is a good method to DSPOBJD to an outfile of all PFs in the lib, and then RCVF thru the outfile with ???
Would it only be necessary to check PFs? Ie would a LF lock also show that the underlying PF has a lock?
Then what? ALCOBJ to each object, trying to get a *EXCL lock on it? And if ALCOBJ fails, then send a text message?
Is there a TAATOOL that will accomplish this? Or maybe a different OS400 tool?
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