Hi Jeff,
I found out this is the number to call for assistance and they can also probably tell you who your rep is I believe.
Phone: 952 933 0609
Richard Schoen | Director of Document Management Technologies, HelpSystems
T: + 1 952-486-6802
RJS Software Systems | A Division of HelpSystems
-----Original Message-----
message: 5
date: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 21:53:03 -0400
from: Jeff Crosby <jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: *SYSTEM certificate store password
That would be nice as I haven't needed to call for support in some time.
Not sure who my rep is.
On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Richard Schoen <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Jeff,
I believe you would contact the tech support team here.
Do you have a contact number ?
If needed I can find out who your rep is and they can facilitate a call
for you as well if you're not familiar with the support process at HS.
I have to admit I'm still learning :-)
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