I have some iASP security questions I hope someone can answer. Let me lay
out a scenario:
- I have a single IBM i instance, let's call this IBMi1
- I have two IASPs configured, IASP1 and IASP2
- I have two users configured, USR1 and USR2 (QSECURITY=30, USRCLS(*PGMR))
- USR1 has a *JOBD with INLASPGRP(IASP1)
- USR2 has a *JOBD with INLASPGRP(IASP2)
- I have two libs, LIB1 is in IASP1 and LIB2 is in IASP2
- I have two RPG *PGM objects, RPG1 is in LIB1 and RPG2 is in LIB2
When USR1 logs into a IBMi1 5250 session (and inherently placed in IASP1),
can they see or attempt to invoke LIB2/RPG2 in IASP2 if the authority is
Can USR1 see or invoke IFS files in IASP2 if files are set to chmod go+rx?
I would test this myself except I am having issues setting up the scenario
on IBM's PDP
(I have an email into support). I would try iASP on the variety of other
servers I have access to, but I don't want to accidentally hose anything :-P
Aaron Bartell
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