As of 7.1 there is new support for three -part names - it doesn't let
you JOIN tables from different machines, so far as I can tell - here's a
bit from the 7.1 Reference
An implicit CONNECT operation may occur when using a three-part object
name or an alias that is defined to reference a three-part name of a
table or view. In the these cases, an implicit CONNECT operation is only
allowed if all the objects referenced in the SQL statement refer to the
same relational database. The only exceptions are:
– The target table of an INSERT statement may be in one relational
database and the tables referenced in the select-statement of the INSERT
may be in another relational database.
statement may be in one relational database and the tables referenced in
the select-statement may be in another relational database.
And this bit -
Creating a table using a remote select-statement: The select-statement
for an as-result-table can refer to tables on a different server than
where the table is being created. This can be done by using a three-part
object name or an alias that is defined to reference a three-part name
of a table or view. The select-statement cannot be for a materialized
query table and the result cannot contain a column that has a field
procedure defined.
There's lots more in the 7.1 SQL Reference - but I'm not sure if this
fits your needs - usually we have had to copy something to our local
system, them join the results locally.
IBM does have a product the federates data from disparate systems -
makes them all look like DB2 - that applies to anything, such as Oracle,
SQL Server, probably IBM i - I assume you are talking about the latrer.
Anyway, HTH
On 10/17/2014 10:19 AM, Darryl Freinkel wrote:
I need to be able to read a remote table and update a local table.
I have set up the remote database entries and have used connect. What I
cannot find documentation on is how to use 2 files on different machines.
When I connect to system B, all the tables are in system B.
Is there a way to do a select from system B and insert into system A?
Insert into fileA [on system A] (select * from FileA [on system B] )
Darryl Freinkel
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