On 24-Oct-2014 10:38 -0500, Darryl Freinkel wrote:
If you use iNav, you can convert all DDS to DDL. That would help
you modernise quickly and take advantage of the bigger buffer sizes
which gives better performance.
Of course, "bigger" is not always better, with regard to the
performance of every [type of] application and\or system [environment].
To be clear, "bigger buffer sizes" could just as well give worse
performance; the likelihood increases that the performance effects could
be worse, if the applications using the changed file(s) had not
previously or simultaneously been changed from RLA to SQL DML.
I will take this opportunity _to remind_ that conversion from DDS to
DDL is *not* in any way "modernizing" the database. A change that is
not required, is merely change [for the sake of change]; such changes
effected without requirements are likely to expose unforeseen issues.
If there is a feature without support via the DDS, and that feature is
available only with the SQL DDL, then a change specifically to implement
that feature via DDL would qualify as a valid modernization; e.g.
implementing _surrogate keys_ using IDENTITY columns, for which no
support exists in\via DDS.
There are no special "bigger buffer sizes" that result from a mere
conversion; the Page Size setting defaults are different between DDS and
DDL, but they can be customized. There is little that comes from that
conversion that could not have been achieved by a change to [the
creation of] the existing DDS-defined files. The one conspicuous
difference from that change, is the potential for read-performance
improvements for the lack of data validation performed on read [per the
assumption that all SQL data was validated on input\write] is one
_non-modernization_ benefit from the change; for that same effect, there
is an implicit potential for an existing dependence on the
non-validation effect to be exposed in applications that use a file that
was changed.
Changing from DDS to SQL DDL is best performed only *after* having
converted existing applications from using RLA to using SQL DML, to
prevent some difficulties that might be encountered with existing and\or
persisting non-SQL applications from having changed the underlying
database physical *FILE objects into database SQL TABLE *FILE objects;
most notably, Record Format Level Identifiers and Data Mapping Errors
per increased validation requirements for SQL database objects. Failing
to consider the[se and possibly other] side effects of changing from DDS
to SQL DDL can result in issues that were not foreseen or noticed in
testing. I know of some installations that had implemented such a
switch, only to find out afterward that negative effects on some
existing applications required that they back-out the changes... surely
at great cost; I recall several specifically, one because an APAR was
opened, regardless there was nothing that would be /fixed/ because they
were closed Permanent Restriction (PRS) [increased memory footprint for
journaling had caused performance problems due to implicit Page Size
(PAGESIZE) change; since, the SQL was enabled to set a smaller page size
to reduce the memory footprint for the non-SQL accesses] and all but one
of the others were incidents of data mapping errors being effected on
input\write that had never been diagnosed before the change to DDL.
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