On 05-Nov-2014 00:40 -0600, Gary Kuznitz wrote:
According to the Quick start guide for AS/400 NetServer at:
Not that the doc at the given link is terribly different, but is the
system being used really v5r1? The old docs could be a problem, because
the different levels of the OS have slightly different effects
[documented] for the following invocation:
When I use the cmd NETSTAT *CNN I should have:
** netbios>001:27:44 Listen
** netbios>000:00:01 *UDP
** netbios>000:00:00 *UDP
** netbios>000:30:57 Listen
** 445>427:49:42 Listen
I don't have port 445.
The Work With TCP/IP Connection Status (NETSTAT *CNN) will by default
present the "port names" rather than the "port numbers". Be sure either
the F14=Display_Port_Numbers [visible with F24=More_Keys] is activated
before looking for the Local Port Number 445, or search instead for the
Local Port Name "cifs".
Does anyone have any idea why port 445 wouldn't be listening?
The newer doc [at following link] is essentially the same as the v5r1
docs, but is a topic entitled "Configuring IBM i NetServer" instead of a
"QuickStart" topic for NetServer:
In that v7r1 doc [and should probably be changed from the v5r1 list
since at least v5r3], the port 445 is identified by a /well-known/ name
[for Common Internet File System] instead of by the number. The last
line of the above docs is updated [contrasted with the prior quoted v5r1
docs] to show:
** cifs>427:49:42 Listen
Regardless, minimally, verify the Service Table Entry exists for the
CIFS or 445; e.g. by performing the following scripted requests:
/* within Display Spooled File: F16=Find on: ': 445' */
Given that port is associated with the LIC task SMBSERVERMAIN instead
of a job\process [shown for 8=Display_Jobs for that port entry when that
does appear in NETSTAT *CNN] on the v5r3 system where I looked, if no
entry is displayed for that port either the above entry needs to be
added [Add Service Table Entry (ADDSRVTBLE)] or if that entry exists
then likely logging about difficulties [if not (also) something
appearing in the DSPLOG per troubleshooting docs] will appear in the LIC
logs. That may or may not remove the possibility of a T-AF entry in the
Audit Log identifying a problem; what I usually look for when a server
seems not to be starting as expected. The Trace Internal (TRCINT)
feature has something for *SMBSRV which apparently is a reference to
Another reference for IBM i NetServer, as an effective portal; link
to the KnowledgeCenter docs and a .pdf:
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