Something VERY odd happened on my system yesterday.
I believe it may have had something to do with loading the latest group PTF's (Not applying them, just loading and marking for the next IPL)
I used SNDPTFORD to order PTF groups:
The PTF were delivered and I used GO PTF Option 8 ."Install program temporary fix package" to stage these PTF's to be applied during the next IPL.
Nothing any different than what I do every month.
However, curiously within 15 minutes of doing this, system performance fell apart! Not gradually either, it hit us like hurricane.
Interactive response times went from sub second to 30, 40, 50 even 90 seconds per transaction.
Further investigation indicated that "seize waits" on the system went through the roof too!
It took an IPL (which ended up applying TR9) to resolve this performance nightmare. Everything seems to have returned to normal since then.
I'm just trying to figure out what happened now.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Kenneth E. Graap
NW Natural
System Administrator for IBM Power Systems
503.226.4211 x5537
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