Jump into QSHELL and run this:
java -cp /qibm/proddata/os400/jt400/lib/jt400.jar utilities.JPing <ip address or dns name of server>
I "believe" this is actually better than just a ping or portscan and it actually connects to service as a client, so you don't get a false positive for something else running on the port.
If you run WRKREGINF and check the QIBM_QZDA_* entries you can see if a program is currently registered to the exit, it will have *YES under the registered column. Put an 8 next to anything that has *YES and you will see what program is hooked off that exit.
Coy Krill
Core Processing Administrator/Analyst
Washington Trust Bank
-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of James H. H. Lampert
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2014 11:42
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: JDBC requests (whether from Java or from RPB via JDBCR4): how does one set a specific "from" IP address when connecting?
Importance: Low
On 12/3/14 10:30 AM, Krill, Coy wrote:
Have you verified that the box that's not receiving the connections
has the appropriate host servers running? And if they are running are
there any exit points to monitors that might be denying the
connections based on user or source ip?
I forgot to mention: Yes the relevant Host Servers (or at least SOMETHING using the relevant port numbers) appear to be running. (Is there a good way to verify that the ports really are running Host Servers, and not something else?
And I wasn't aware that there were any exit hooks for that, but I can investigate after lunch. How would I check for them? The only exit hooks I've ever used are the ones in our own CRM product, and they work somewhat differently from the way they work in IBM products.
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