On 16-Dec-2014 20:03 -0600, Rick Mason wrote:
I have a program that is currently submitted 3 times daily via the
job scheduler.
The manager is now requesting the job be run every hour between the
hours of 5am and 11pm.
What would be the more efficient way to accomplish this other than
creating way too many job scheduled entries for the same job.
Given the current situation is that there exist three job schedule
entries for processing the command invocation RUNSTUFF, a CLP could be
created that makes that same command request. If the request to
RUNSTUFF is sure to be started [somewhat] promptly on an hour and sure
to be completed easily under\within that same hour, then that request in
the CLP could be surrounded by some additional command requests that
cause the request to be re-requested hourly over that time-period. The
original three separate job schedule entries would be replaced with just
the one JSE requesting a CALL of the new CLP. That CALL could be
scheduled to start at any hour prior to the first time [at 05am] that
the request should run in the given day.
The [new CL] program could be coded such that, if at any time during
a day the job is first started, even if after the official start-time of
05am, the CLP will at the /next hour/ [not exceeding the end-hour]
re-invoke the CLP as a new routing step; running the request within a
new routing step of the same job is _more efficient_ than starting a new
[batch] job. The following code is untested [and each command should be
examined for completeness; the Transfer Batch Job (TFRBCHJOB) request is
coded with ellipses where values should be retrieved or hard-coded], but
the logic should be sound:
/* effective constants follow: */
dcl &str_hour *dec (02 00) value(05) /* 05:00 */
dcl &end_hour *dec (02 00) value(23) /* 23:00 */
/* program variables follow: */
dcl &hour *char 02
dcl &dec_hour *dec (02 00)
dcl &next_hour *char 04 value('HH00')
CALLSUBR CalcNxtHr /* determine next time to run today */
DLYJOB RSMTIME(&NEXT_HOUR) /* await str_hour or next hour */
Repeatedly: /* perform the hourly request; 05.0 to 23.0 */
RUNSTUFF /* Perform what was originally a JSE request */
TFRBCHJOB RQSDTA('CALL TheNewCLP') /* re-invoke theNewCLP */+
JOBQ(...) RTGDTA(...) /* assign appropriate WrkMgmt */
/* SubRoutines follow: */
SUBR CalcNxtHr
rtvsysval qhour &hour
chgvar &dec_hour &hour
chgvar &dec_hour (&dec_hour + 1)
if cond(&dec_hour *gt &end_hour) then(do)
chgvar &next_hour '*END' /* beyond last-run HH */
else do /* incremented hour between str and end HH */
if cond(&dec_hour *le &str_hour) /* before 1st-run HH */+
then(chgvar &dec_hour &str_hour) /* set 1st-run HH */
chgvar %sst(&next_hour 1 2) &dec_hour
/* SubRoutines above: */
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