On 09-Apr-2015 09:37 -0500, rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
On 09-Apr-2015 09:29 -0500, CRPence wrote:
On 09-Apr-2015 09:07 -0500, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
How Save-While-Active on IFS (SAV) Works
Link provided above, apparently is not for publicly available
True, that link isn't for public availability. However, anyone who
creates an IBM id and can get into fix central, etc can access it.
How quickly /anyone/ narrows to the /Oh so few/ ;-) Just how does
one get to the point from merely having an IBM Id to that of "*and* can
get into Fix Central, etc." so as to enable one to get access to the
content at that link?
In effect, the content is apparently only available to those who have
*paid* for access.? Posting links to content that is not publicly
available on a public forum is, for lack of a better word, *rude*; at
least if not having made note that the linked content has an effective
pay-wall or a statement of to whom access will be available when not
anyone of the general public. As the monthly reminder for the forum
states: "Please do not post links to premium content on other websites.
Not everyone has access to that content."
Note: I am not placing any blame or scolding the poster of the link,
because for all I know, they had no idea the content was premium
content... probably because IBM made no indication their paid-access was
in effect while they were viewing the content.
Try clicking on the "Create IBM id" and create one.
I have had one for years. However that is not helpful to me to
access the content; presumably given I am not an IBM partner, not an IBM
employee [and even when I was, the /partner/ content was still
restricted], nor whatever is the specific pre-requisite to accessing
that particular content. I suppose _whatever_ in this case might be a
customer number associated with some hardware or software to which the
content is applicable; or worse, requires a maintenance contract [that
is not in arrears] for one of those.
Having an IBM id also makes entering/updating PMR's via the web
possible (providing you have a support contract).
And from what I have read here often, seems few can do that, or they
encounter many challenges they need to overcome before that is possible.
Simple enough... As I noted, the content is *not* publicly available.
If the content had required nothing more than the *free* IBM Id, then I
would accept that the content was sufficiently publicly-available and I
would not have posted a reply suggesting otherwise. If there is a
*free* capability to access that content, someone might be so kind as to
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