On 21-Oct-2015 11:04 -0500, Vernon Hamberg wrote:
On 10/21/2015 9:55 AM, rob wrote:
Database has control of the tables in QSYS2 and SYSTOOLS.
Database has control of database objects. This allows them to
update the items in QSYS2 and SYSTOOLS.
Database does NOT have control over all stuff. Therefore do NOT
expect every CRT..., DLT..., CHG... command out there to
automatically update some object table in QSYS2.
Theoretically a[n operating] system could be implemented as such,
much more directly, without the separation of what is the [realm of the]
Database vs what is not. As systems become faster, a system on which
everything is effectively either stored in a row [i.e. the object is
just a row, much like other databases work anyhow, such as an INDEX is a
row vs another\additional entity] or is simply reflected-as row data
within in a database, would be possible; e.g. a *CMD could be presented
as XML, so also could be stored, retrieved, and interpreted for parsing
that way... already being done, except the stored-as part. The Library
(*LIB) object type is just a Machine Index, which is an Index object,
which is what the Dataspace Index also is... so really, the concept of
querying the library directly with the SQL instead of /listing/ the
objects via an inflexible hardened-rules interface is really quite limiting.
Database will have to use APIs, like open list of objects, to get
object information with services like Object_Statistics
I still suggest requesting IBM add more columns to
Object_Statistics, like changed date and system library name.
A past discussion about that feature also lamented the missing
library name. However I do not recall the context [pun intended; for
the geeks] for the desire to have that data included. I do recall
taking advantage of the library name being included in the DSPOBJD
output, but perhaps only when special-value or a generic library
specification was made on the invocations, and I am not sure if any are
even allowed on that [AFaiK still poorly documented] UDTF.
I agree on the changed date - less so on system library name,
since there is a column for ObjLongSchema, which will be the system
library name (unless someone creates uses
CREATE SCHEMA thisisalongnameforaschema)
I suppose specifically because that _*unless someone*_ scenario would
debase the effect of the expression CAST(LEFT(OBJLONGSCHEMA,10) AS
CHAR(10)), that would seem a good reason to have _system library name_
remain inclusive of such a request.?
Alternatively one could just code the SYS_OBJ_NAME scalar UDF on the
OBJLONGSCHEMA column to ask the database to /calculate/ the value of the
library name from the long-library name. Oh! Never mind, that is what
my RETURNS CHAR(10) scalar User Defined Function (UDF) does, though of
another name [RTVSN as I recall] by invoking my stored procedure that
defines the Retrieve Short Name (QDBRTVSN) API. IIRC that API added
support the long library [schema] name as well.
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