On 06-Jan-2016 14:37 -0700, rob wrote:
Recently we had a token ring thread on this list.
Token ring is not supported on IBM i 7.2 for the sole reason that
there are no token ring cards which are supported on any hardware
platform which can run IBM i 7.2.
None of the 7.2 documentation has been updated to this fact. I've
been hammering IBM hard on this.
Commands like CRTLINTRN are still there and apparently still run
Line description X created.
This stuff needs to be removed.
Why /needs to be/? More accurately IMO, /seemingly could be/ given
the claim about hardware\software combinations; though possibly only
from a perspective of "I infer that …".
FWiW the general rule is, that for anything being completely removed,
there would need to be one N-1 release [¿or was that N-2 release or a
V-1 version?] on which the CL commands for a feature will remain despite
obsolescence; the output from the feature would be changed to include
issue of a message about the pending\upcoming removal. That gives a
chance to warn of the demise, and for any source code changes to be made
along with replacement of binaries in which the obsolesced command(s)
I've submitted a DCR.
Probably a speedier and simpler avenue would have been to ask on the
KnowledgeCenter, why the command is not documented as non-functional
except for compatibility, or if indeed that is the effect, given there
are [apparently] no physical cards that support TR.
Yet, while there may be no support currently for any physical TR
card, that may not be, necessarily, the long-term intention.
Additionally, while logically the specified Resource Name (RSRCNAME) may
seem to require a "Token Ring Card", that may not actually be the
reality; i.e. virtual connections may be applicable, such that perhaps
another physical comm card [e.g. an Ethernet or ??? card] provides a
compatible resource possibly with vitualization of the TR comm -- and if
not presently, again, perhaps in the future.
p.s. all that said... I am primarily replying, to see if I can post
via NNTP [using an on-topic reply vs a /test/ message]; gmane seems
possibly to have nixed my ability to post here, since just about four
hours ago.
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