The point of my question.... is does DB2 casting to be trusted....
A string is a string is a string.....
But a numeric value could look like a string.
So if I present a number 100 to be stored into a smallint field, and I
place single quotes around it like '100'... is this a no brainer for
DB2 to handle.
I am not trying to stuff strings into numerical fields. I know all
strings must be encompassed in single quotes. And I certainly could
type check each value and decide if the single quotes were necessary.
But is the time used to type check in PHP if DB2 stores a numeric value
in a string faster than the if type check is numeric?
The particular table that made me think of this has 683 fields. (NOT MY
DESIGN) But I have to use it to be compatible with the current procedures.
So I am not going to hand write a INSERT or UPDATE statement, especially
not know which of the fields I am not even going to touch since there
was no data to place in them.
As I have said before in my examples, as I validate the data, I know
what is going in each field, as each key in the associated array is the
name of the field. I will include the examples again:
function MakeSets( $aSet ) // Convert Associative Array Into UPDATE
SET Field = Value Pairs
$sSets = $sSep = '' ;
foreach ( $aSet as $sK => $sV ) // $sK is the field name. $sV is
the Value
$sSets .= $sSep . '"' . $sK . '"' . "='" . $sV . "'" ;
$sSep = ', ' ;
return $sSets ;
function MakeInserts( $aInsert ) // Convert Associative Array Into
INSERT Fields & Values
$sFields = $sValues = $sSep = '' ;
foreach ( $aInsert as $sK => $sV ) // $sK is the field name. $sV
is the Value
$sFields .= $sSep . '"' . $sK . '"' ;
$sValues .= $sSep . "'" . $sV . "'" ;
$sSep = ', ' ;
return array( 'Fields' => $sFields, 'Values' => $sValues ) ;
$aApp[ 'Joint' ] = $aData[ 'individualJointIndicator' ] ;
$aApp[ 'Insurance' ] = $aData[ 'optionalInsurance' ] ;
$aApp[ 'Price' ] = $aData[ 'purchasePrice ' ] ;
$aApp[ 'PrevEmployer' ] = $aData[ 'mainPrevEmployer' ] ;
$aApp[ 'PrevTimeOnJob' ] = $aData[ 'mainPrevTimeAtEmployer' ] ;
$sSets = MakeSets( $aApp ) ;
$rResult = RunQuery( 'UPDATE MyTable SET ' . $sSets . ' WHERE
ID = ' . $nApp . ' ;' ) ;
$aPeople[ 'Occupation' ] = $aData[ 'mainOccupation' ] ;
$aPeople[ 'TimeOnJob' ] = $aData[ 'mainTimeAtEmployer' ] ;
$aPeople[ 'Income' ] = $aData[ 'mainMonthlyIncome' ] ;
$aPeople[ 'Signed' ] = $aData[ 'mainApplicationSigned' ] ;
$aPeople[ 'Email' ] = $aData[ 'emailAddress' ] ;
$aPpl = MakeInsert( $aPeople ) ;
$rResult = RunQuery( 'INSERT INTO AnotherTable ( ' . $aPpl[
'Fields' ] . ' ) VALUES ( ' . $aPpl[ 'Values' ] . ' ) ;' ) ;
On 2016-01-19 23:58, John Yeung wrote:
On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:41 AM, Rob <rob.couch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I know what values are going into the fields... my MakeSets and MakeInsert
functions have not a clue, so not matter what , all values are inside single
But why can't MakeSets and MakeInsert use the PHP type-testing functions?
John Y.
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