On 28-Jan-2016 07:43 -0700, rob wrote:
APAR (Authorized Program Analysis Report)
Software version:
V7R1M0, V9R9M9
Operating system(s):
Reference #:
Modified date:
Error Description:
When a database file inherits journaling via moving the file
into a journaled library, message CPF7005 "Object type *FILE
known by another name." mistakenly appears in the joblog.
Problem Summary:
When a database file inherits journaling via moving the file
into a journaled library, message CPF7005 "Object type *FILE
known by another name." mistakenly appears in the joblog.
Problem Conclusion:
CPF7005 will not be sent when a database file inherits
journaling when moving into a journaled library.
Status: CLOSED UR1
The APAR fails to include either of the command name or API name for
the Move Object (MOVOBJ) capability :-( which would make the description
seem to reflect [probably accurately] the APAR condition is applicable
only to use of the Move method [whereby the /owning/ context\library for
the object is changed].
No PTF listed. Search of PTF cover letters by that APAR, or by that
message id turns up nothing.
APARs should record messages that occur as a symptom of a[n apparent
defect], as a symptom-string-keyword, not as merely the message
identifier; i.e. MSGCPF7005 vs CPF7005, with the latter appearing only
incidentally, optionally, and most likely only /conversationally/.
But if you open up a PMR and reference this
APAR you may get a faster reply.
Unlikely that the APAR at the given URL and the OP are in any way
And if you can explain to me what V9R9M9 is... <<SNIP>>
The APAR status of UR1 means "Fixed in a future release." The
Software Version indicates the releases in which the defect exists; in
that APAR, noted as from v7r1m0 [though possibly incorrect, per merely
reflecting the "Reported Release", and should have been updated to
reflect the earliest release the error occurs], until the future unknown
*any* releases of V#R#M#. IOW, V9R9M9 means effectively "unknown future
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