On 27-May-2016 10:17 -0500, Gerald Magnuson wrote:
so say we have a library, and those objects are owned by a group
profile like: "ERPSYS",
however, our users are in groups like "PURCHASC" and "OPERATNS"...
when _they_ create objects in our main library (they rarely do), the
objects are owned by their group, not the group "ERPSYS"...
I am not sure it matters from a security standpoint, but we would
like all objects owned by "ERPSYS".
Consider using resource authority that prevents users from creating
objects into that /main/ library. Then provide a separate feature that
allows /moving/ the object into that library [while also making the
appropriate ownership\authority changes], using adopted authority; e.g.
Doing that, also ensures that a Move Object (MOVOBJ) request could
not circumvent the stated intent; i.e. without *LIB resource security
preventing the *ADD of an object, just as a create-into that library is
possible, so too are requests to move-into that library. Dealing only
with /creates/ overlooks another path to get objects into that library
[with /incorrect/ ownership].
what do we need to change so when a USER creates Files, they will be
owned by the ERPSYS group?
While accurate, probably not helpful: Given a USRPRF(SomeUser)
GRPPRF(PURCHASC) OWNER(*USRPRF), that effect is possible, by issuing
effectively the following Change User Profile request [albeit with the
conspicuous caveat of the effects more generally, versus effect merely
for that library]:
Note: there is no valid '+' syntax as shown; that is merely specified
as an implication, that the value needs to be an added element rather
than an element-value\specification that might replace existing
element-value(s). Such an /additive/ capability is something I have
always thought would be somewhat worthwhile for a CL syntax enhancement.
FWiW: A job that processes the audit journal for T-CO entries [and
T-OM entries for moves; scanning for that library name as target], could
enqueue [or directly repeat until success] the work required to change
the ownership [and authorities] to whatever is desired.
FWiW: If "files" means database files, then if that /main/ library is
journaled per Start Journal Library (STRJRNLIB) [or similar effect via
the QDFTJRN Data Area (DTAARA)], then a job that processes the journal
that implicitly journals the files could effect similar to the
aforementioned [using the file-journal instead of the audit-journal.
Note: Background processes that change just-created\just-moved
objects can have a negative impact on jobs making those requests that do
other work on the same file immediately after creation; i.e. may
interfere with follow-on work in the job.
So FWiW, scheduled\batched processing to effect changes
after-the-fact may be preferable. That is, the use of Change Object
Owner (CHGOBJOWN) and any Grant Object Authority (GRTOBJAUT) and\or
Revoke Object Authority (RVKOBJAUT) performed during a time known not to
conflict with jobs using files in that library may be more appropriate
than such actions performed asynchronous to the run-time create\move
FWiW: Given a UDF named fixERPownr that both exists in the path and
is coded to effect the ownership\authority [re]assignments, a job could
be scheduled to process any objects not owned by ERPSYS in whatever is
the actual name of the /main/ library [instead of the name MAIN_LIBR in
the following]:
sbmjob cmd( runsql
'create table qtemp/fixownr as
( select os.*, fixERPownr(OBJNAME, OBJTYPE)
from table( object_statistics(''MAIN_LIBR'', ''*ALL'')
) as os
where OBJOWNER != ''ERPSYS''
) with data'
commit(*none) naming(*sys)
) job(fixERPownr) scddate('...') scdtime('...')
-- not to suggest use of SQL; just an example, for PoC,
-- or at least to enable testing prior invocation
create function fixERPownr
( on varchar(10), ot varchar(10) )
returns integer
language sql modifies sql data
declare exit handler for sqlexception return null ;
call qcmdexc('chgobjown MAIN_LIBR/' concat on
concat ' objtype(' concat ot
concat ') newown(ERPSYS)' ) ;
return 1 ;
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