On 24-Jul-2016 05:54 -0500, GioArt wrote:
I'm on a machine with V5R4, i have an SQLRPGLE that i have to
compile with RPGPPOPT(*LVL1);
If in the CRTSQLRPGI command I set RPGPPOPT(*LVL1) there no error
in compilation, instead if I set in the source :
exec SQL set option naming=*SYS,COMPILEOPT='RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)';
A string-value for the COMPILEOPT keyword on that SET OPTION
statement is merely an override to the Compile Options COMPILEOPT
parameter specification that is available on the various CRTSQLhll
commands. That /exec SQL/ request is merely declarative, despite the
syntax using the keyword "Exec". The declarative SET OPTION statement
functions quite similarly for the SQL pre-compiler, as does an RPG
H-Spec for the RPG compiler; in both cases, the specifications made
within the source are utilized for the [pre]compiler directives, instead
of what was specified on the [pre]compile command invocation.
I have errors like if the COMPILEOPT='RPGPPOPT(*LVL1) is not
FWiW: An actual spooled joblog showing the command invocation of the
pre-compiler to include the final error displayed after control was
returned from the failing request is much more concise and revealing
than stating merely "errors like …". And if the error(s) appeared in
the [pre]compiler spooled output, then that would be similarly
worthwhile for specific details. When asking for help in a forum,
please provide concrete information\details rather than mere allusions;
just because a reader _can_ compose their own source and issue their own
pre-compile invocation, they could instead just diagnose the issue with
nothing more than the spooled joblog [of which easily could have been
included with a copy\paste; probably in this case, even if copy\paste
from the interactive joblog].
Regardless, per my earlier description about the given SET OPTION, as
to what are the effects, that COMPILEOPT='RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)' specification
is the equivalent of having requested from the command-line:
Conspicuously, the above invocation is *not* the equivalent of having
specified "CRTSQLRPGI … RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)" for which there was "no error
in compilation". Thus if the desire is to invoke the pre-compiler with
the RPGPPOPT(*LVL1), then just specify RPGPPOPT(*LVL1) on the command
invocation, and remove the ", COMPILEOPT='RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)'" from the
current SET OPTION in the source.
If that is understood, then no reason to continue reading; if not
understood, or perhaps not entirely cleared up despite being mostly
understood, then I offer additionally:
That Compiler Options (COMPILEOPT) parameter available on the Create
SQL (CRTSQL*) commands [e.g. on the CRTSQLRPG or CRTSQLRPGI] is the
means to pass-through some parameters [each as a combined
parameter-Keyword and parameter-Specification], onward to the CRThllObj
[e.g. CRTBNDRPG or CRTRPGMOD] HLL compiler command that would be invoked
after a successful SQL pre-compile. The string data being provided on
COMPILEOPT would be appended to the command-string that gets composed by
the SQL pre-compiler; if the pre-compiler had composed a compiler
invocation as the command-string "CRTHLLOBJ …", then having specified
COMPILEOPT('string_data') would cause the SQL to invoke the compiler
instead with the command-string "CRTHLLOBJ … string_data". That
'string_data' is not validated, merely appended; validation of the
command-string is left to the command analyzer when the pre-compiler
uses that command-string to invoke the HLL compiler.
Thus having passed-in 'KEYWORD(SPECIFICATION)' via the COMPILEOPT
parameter on a request to CRTSQLRPGI OBJTYPE(*MODULE), the command
string "CRTRPGMOD KEYWORD(SPECIFICATION)" must be supported, else the
request to compile will fail; the CRTSQLRPGI request would fail both if
the Specification for that parameter Keyword is unsupported, and if the
Keyword itself is not recognized\supported on the CRTSQLRPGI command,
In the given scenario we do not know what was the actual invocation,
so presuming the request was CRTSQLRPGI COMPILEOPT('RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)')
OBJECTYPE(*MODULE), then the command-string generated by the SQL
pre-compiler would have been:
The command-string 'CRTRPGMOD RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)' would result in msg
CPD0043 "Keyword RPGPPOPT not valid for this command." being issued when
prompted or interpreted. When actually invoked, that diagnostic message
would be followed by the error msg CPF0001 "Error found on CRTRPGMOD
command." And that [failure] would be expected, because the RPG
Pre-Processor Options (RPGPPOPT) parameter is not available on
CRTRPGMOD; and is not available on any of the CRThllObj commands.
It is a V5R4 problem or other ?
With that particular string-value as the specification, the /problem/
would be universal; i.e. would fail on any release. That specification
on *either* the set-option-keyword COMPILEOPT or the
command-parameter-keyword COMPILEOPT, is not valid on any release,
whereas the COMPILEOPT keyword [in either context], would be valid only
since V5R3. Thus given a valid 'KEYWORD(SPECIFICATION)' was specified
as the string data for the COMPILEOPT, then there would be a /problem/
on v5r4 only if the Target Release (TGTRLS) were [the equivalent in
effect to] the special value *V5R2M0.
So if the desire\intent [of the invalid specification in the SET
OPTIONS] is to cause the SQL pre-compiler to receive a directive that
the RPG Pre-Processor Options (RPGPPOPT) should be Level-1 (*LVL1), then
that directive must be specified on the CRTSQLhll command in lieu of
support for a RPGPPOPT keyword for the SQL SET OPTION statement.
That is to suggest, the SET OPTION from the OP would need to look
something like the following [as if even\ever, such a capability were
exec SQL set option
; --
With that imagined-as-supported declarative, the effect for the
CRTSQLRPGI OBJTYPE(*MODULE) would be to have the SQL pre-compiler act as
if that request to invoke the pre-compiler had been instead:
So, just like the opening statements of the quoted message, you will
continue to "have to compile with RPGPPOPT(*LVL1)" specified on the
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