On 06-Aug-2016 15:53 -0500, Bryan Dietz wrote:
CRPence wrote on 8/5/2016 4:56 PM:
On 05-Aug-2016 15:07 -0500, T. Adair wrote:
I need to add a SPCAUT value (*JOBCTL in this case) to multiple
user profiles. I do a WRKUSRPRF *ALL and put a '2' next each
one that I want to change, and then I type 'SPCAUT(*JOBCTL)' on
the command line and press Enter and - guess what - it stomps
over all the existing SPCAUTs for the selected users and leaves
them with only *JOBCTL.
I had long wished for the support to do that with a plus-sign,
for example:
SPCAUT(+*JOBCTL) /* meaning, add *JOBCTL to whatever is there */
Of Course TAATOOL has a command :-)
Add Special Authority - TAA (ADDSPCAUT)
Special authority . . . . . . . _________
User profile . . . . . . . . . . __________
+ for more values __________
The Add Special Authority command allows the addition of a special
authority to one or more profiles. This is a simpler interface than
CHGUSRPRF which requires an entry for any existing authorities as
well as the new special authority. A RMVSPCAUT command is also
provided to remove a special authority from one or more profiles.
Quite straightforward, if that feature is already installed. Yet,
also quite specific; i.e. not applicable to the other multi-element
parameters on the same change command, nor applicable for any other
commands for which there could be a similar desire for an additive or
reductive effect. And despite matching the requirements of the OP, that
command seems overly limiting IMO, for allowing an addition of just
_one_ Special Authority (SPCAUT), rather than additive of _multiple_
special authority Special Values (SPCVAL).
Creating [or even the OS providing] additional commands for each list
entry on any existing command for which that capability of removing or
adding element\values might be desirable, is probably not a very usable
approach, generally. Though possibly similarly worthwhile, I doubt for
example, that there are similar "Add User Options - TAA (ADDUSROPT)" and
"Add Locale Job Attributes - TAA (ADDLOCALEA)" commands offered to
similarly supplement the Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF) [and\or Change
Profile (CHGPRF)] command ;-)
A somewhat more generic capability, while reamaining specific to
modification of the User Profile (USRPRF), could be coded like what is
suggestive of the following prompted request; i.e. inclusive of all
Parameter Definition (PARM) defined for the CHGUSRPRF, with
multiple-element support per Maximum Values Allowed (MAX) greater than
one; and the USRPRF parm could similarly allow for multiple values, like
the above TAA command, but as shown the following implies a single user
Add Attributes To User - (ADDUSRATTR)
Remove Attributes From User - (RMVUSRATTR)
User profile . . . . . . . . . . USRPRF __________
Special authority . . . . . . . SPCAUT *NONE
+ for more values _________
Supplemental groups . . . . . . SUPGRPPRF *NONE
+ for more values __________
Locale job attributes . . . . . SETJOBATR *NONE
+ for more values _______
User options . . . . . . . . . . USROPT *NONE
+ for more values _________
Ideally there would be a general capability to add an [list] element,
as a function of the Command Analyzer (CA) and Command Prompter (PT)
features of the OS. Though the plus-symbol I allude as possible syntax
in my earlier reply may be unlikely to be a tenable syntax for the
Control Language (CL) due to the meanings already for arithmetic
expressions and line-continuation, I would expect that IBM could come up
with something, even if limited to only the addition or removal of
Special Values, for which a prefix of the plus symbol as preceding the
asterisk for the special value might ameliorate any parsing issues.
Each of the following requests, as imagined possible syntax using a
plus symbol to imply that the value *EXPERT should be added as one of
the special values for the User Options (USROPT) parameter, currently
fails with either msg CPD0104 "Expression not allowed for parameter
USROPT." or msg CPD0022 "+ not in expression enclosed in parentheses."
chgprf usropt(+*EXPERT)
chgprf usropt(*EXPERT+)
chgprf usropt+(*EXPERT)
chgprf +usropt(*EXPERT)
I suppose notable, however, is that for the few times I have
re-wished for the capability, I would not even expend the effort to
submit a Request For Enhancement (RFE). That is because for what I
really wanted the capability, initially, I had never finished the
design. And of course, the effect could have been accomplished with the
addition of ADDxxx and RMVxxx commands to the feature, rather than
enabling the capability via the CHGxxx; i.e. my application would have
provided the ADD\RMV capability via the separate add and remove
commands, per the inability of the Command-processing feature to enable
a reductive\additive capability directly via the proposed change command.
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