On 09-Sep-2016 09:58 -0500, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
So I would have to turn on auditing for SNDDST, SNDNETSPLF, and any
other command(s) that require a directory entry. Audit for a few
weeks, months, then review the QAUDITCD entries selecting those
commands. From that I could see which users are calling SNDDST,
SNDNETSPLF, etc. Not 100%, but a good start. Am I on the right
With that approach, be sure to review all commands under each of
these command groups [grouping menus, or perhaps try to compose a query
of command names] for their potential usage of the Directory Entry support:
GO CMDNET /* other NET that are not NETF; JOB,SPLF,MSG */
GO CMDDSTQ /* not sure, doubtful, any here use the feature */
GO CMDNFS /* per another ref; likely just note STR??? */
GO CMDDSK /* likely only the RTVDSKINF */
/* RCLSTG and RCLOBJOWN might require enrollment too? */
Also, if the QAO* [QAOK* and QAOS*] files in QUSRSYS are [changed to
be] journaled including *OPNCLO entries, those should identify any job
starting the [I believe pseudo effect of, though perhaps an actual]
activation group to open those /directory entry/ files in a job; only
the effect of the first command that needs the files might appear for
any one job, however, pending the [forced] close -- that is, they try to
scope the open to a job to avoid open\close activity for repeated
functions throughout a job that might again need to access directory
entry information. Note: I believe the standard journal for these files
is the *JOB object QAOSDIAJRN in QUSRSYS.
Or if the program(s) that open those files are audited, or instead
[if there is] a program that notices that the open persists and thus
just use the files, then that approach might be more definitive [at
least for finding user jobs that use the feature even if they are not
aware how, nor the usage conspicuous from review of that journal entry].
But if the research correctly identified the system programs doing
that work. then that should be helpful.? I expect the Open Database
File exit feature excludes /system/ open of files, so that probably
would not be an alternative.
Effectively, all _usages_ of a DIRE should go through the arbiter
[the owner of the feature; component OK?] to access the Directory Entry
information. So if any code asks for any data or asks of any feature
that depends on that data, then they should be asking of that [set of]
program(s). Thus why auditing the specific system program(s) should at
least catch every use.
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