On 05-Oct-2016 12:07 -0500, CRPence wrote:
On 05-Oct-2016 07:34 -0500, Boyle, Doreen wrote:
How can I tell who changed authority on a library?
If the library had been journaled with the Start Journal Library
(STRJRNLIB) command, then the journal would have a Change Authority
(ZA) entry for the Library Operation (Y) journal code; review that
journal for a Y-ZA entry.
I forgot to mention, if the library is effectively /static/, and the
issue was only recently noticed, then having ASAP taken [or possibly
still valid to take] a DSPOBJD The_Lib *FULL OUTPUT(*PRINT), might be
able to reveal\establish when that change took place. That is, if no
objects are being created-in or deleted-from that library, such that
essentially the objects are only ever being read, then the Last Change
Date/Timestamp value may reveal when the GRTOBJAUT or RVKOBJAUT was
actually issued; for lack of other activity that would have /changed/
the *LIB object. That timestamp, if presumed likely to be the
change-request of interest, could be used to try to infer from a list of
jobs starting and ending as presented in Display Log (DSPLOG) output of
the History Log (QHST), which might have made the request; if joblogs
are kept available, then scanning those joblogs for case-insensitive
searches of 'AUT' might be helpful -- I recall a SCNJOBLOG that might be
helpful in that regard, and perhaps less specifically directed could be
even more useful.
With general object auditing in effect [QAUDCTL includes *AUDLVL and
That should have noted: QAUDLVL includes *OBJMGT, *CREATE, *DELETE
an Object Management Change (OM) entry would be logged for
non-authority change activity, but ¿may also be logged? for a Grant
or Revoke operation [although if so, may be dependent on object
type]; review QAUDJRN for T-OM entries.
The Change Of Authority (CA) entry may be logged for general object
auditing, but probably is logged only for when QAUDLVL included
Security Run-Time (*SECRUN) auditing is in effect; review for the
T-CA entries.
If the System Value (SYSVAL) [or (SVAL)] QAUDCTL had included
*OBJAUD, then I expect; noting: I have no systems on which I can [err,
on which my user profile is directly allowed to] validate any results,
and too long since I have had, so I can only surmise or depend on
The T-CA would also be logged if the Library (LIB) object had been
marked for auditing per Change Object Auditing (CHGOBJAUD), for Object
Auditing Value (OBJAUD) of *CHANGE or *ALL. The Display Object
Description (DSPOBJD) of the *LIB object, with the option requesting
full Detail [i.e. DETAIL(*FULL)], will reveal that audit attribute;
well, to a user authorized to see, else *NOTAVL shows, meaning Not
Available to be viewed by the requesting user. FWiW: Although the
Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) presents the Create Object
Auditing (CRTOBJAUD) value, the actual auditing in effect for the
library object itself is not presented there; i.e. do not confuse the two.
Or, if the User Profile (USRPRF) had been marked for the appropriate
level of auditing per Change User Auditing (CHGUSRAUD) [perhaps just
*SECRUN; though again, ¿some object types might show the effect of a
changed authority for the *OBJMGT event?], but the Library object had
been marked for the Object Auditing Value of *USRPRF. And if Command
String (*CMD) User Action Auditing (AUDLVL) were active for the user
requesting the change, then the change to the authority might be
available in a T-CD entry.
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