On 10-Oct-2016 19:48 -0500, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
Looks like no can do.
My goal of a DLSO option with all LPP and PTFs will not happen.
This V7R2 OS upgrade will take multiple IPLs and multiple PTF
Only "not happen" for those /of little faith/ ;-) [pardon the idiom]
See IBM's response below.
Anyone have any tricks or shortcuts.
As I recall there was a special program name that can be created with
the DSLO, as an effective user-exit. So I search... And, hmm, a web
search [even without including my moniker] yielded the following:
[HMC network install of i5OS V7R1 from a single volume DSLO image - OS
and PTF combined]
"… capability to include the user-defined installation program QLPUSER
in QGPL owned by a system user; e.g. owned by QLPAUTO, QLPINSTALL, or
QSYS. …"
Such a program could be coded to prepare-for and install whatever was
saved to the media, from which the install/upgrade takes place; the
program could even operate against what is known to be /on disk/ of the
target system, such that the programmer *need not restrict* the program
to only restoring from, and then with mucking about with *only* that
which is restored from, the install media.
As I noted in another reply, I did not follow this topic too closely,
but of what I have looked at, I am unsure if this is about an upgrade
*to* v7r2, or *from* v7r2 to v7r3. Regardless, I am including links to,
and snippets of, the v7r3 docs; seems little has changed anyhow.
[IBM i 7.3-> IBM i and related software-> Distributing software->
Distributing software using central site distribution-> Checklist:
Preparing to distribute software by using central site distribution->
Optional: Writing a user-defined installation program for the target
The &DEVICE parameter in this example is the name of your media device.
The &SUCCESS parameter is used as an indication of whether all licensed
programs installed successfully.
DCL VAR(&DEVICE ) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) /* Inp:Install Media device*/
DCL VAR(&SUCCESS) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN( 1) /* Inp:'1'=LPPs installed */
… /* You decide what goes here; see 7., 8., and 9. below */
Note: comments in the above redacted CL program source are mine;
basically, after the mult-threaded [multi-job really] LPP install work
has finished, the QLPUSER program gets invoked with those two parameters
as input, letting the exit-program know the device name from which the
install/restore activity was being done, and whether that background
install of LPPs reported back success or failure; success='1' and [I
presume, though I have no actual evidence from the docs nor from memory,
that] failure='0'
[IBM i 7.3-> IBM i and related software->Distributing software->
Distributing software using central site distribution-> Checklist:
Installing central site distribution media on the target system->
Installation tasks for the target systems]
You can include all of these tasks or some of these tasks in a
user-defined installation program. The program then automatically
performs these tasks after the distribution media is installed on the
target system.
… or include these tasks in your user-defined installation program.
Ensure that only objects saved to the distribution media are restored
and that those objects are restored in the same order they are saved.
7. Install new licensed programs that IBM distributes independently from
an IBM® i release.
8. Install applications using control language (CL) commands.
9. Install user products that are packaged by the IBM System Manager for
IBM i licensed program using the Restore Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM)
**Response from IBM**
These products are not parts of the standard set and are not
implemented in "the list". As such they are not implemented in the
tools that create or manage the list. This function is not PTF'd so
it would require a re-save of the OS to add the functions. Currently
there are no plans for a resave. Therefore they are not enabled for
the install process. So for the time being, the only option is to
install them post upgrade.
In addition, there is no plan to implement 5733OPS as a base product
offering. Refer to Tech Doc.
(http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas8N1021450) for IBM's
statement on this product offering.
For purposes of creating your DLSO image these products must be
installed after the standard products are installed.
Lucky you. A DSLO is what? A DSLO is, effectively, *a resave*!
Just not an IBM-created resave. So while you can not make changes to
the actual OS programs to make them automatically install that which is
not already coded to be auto-installed, you *can* code the [Licensed
Program Exit feature, the] LP User-Exit program QLPUSER in QGPL to do
whatever you want. And when does the LP Exit run? That gets called
"after the standard products are installed." Perfect! So save what
*additional* is wanted, from which the exit-program can then restore
and/or install and/or execute.
So your exit program can perform, for example, any RSTLICPGM 5733OPS
OPTION(xx) that the new OS is capable of installing using that Restore
Licensed Program (RSTLICPGM) feature; that holds, *irrespective* what is
or is not available/visible in a list from the Work With Licensed
Programs (WRKLICPGM) feature, just like with any other LPP, options, or
releases. About all that is required, is the Device (DEV) from which to
restore, and that the Product (LICPGM) and requested Optional Part To Be
Restore (OPTION) is on the specified media -- which could even be
different Save File (SAVF) sent to the target system prior to the media
being used for the install/upgrade; i.e. again, what the exit-program
does, need not be limited to the media for the install, but of course
should be tolerant of problems [such that if the SAVF was sent weeks in
advance, maybe somebody deleted that before the upgrade thinking they
were reducing storage]. But typically, as alluded in the *steps*, the
additional 5733-OPS would have been saved to the DSLO media with the
Save Licensed Program Product (SAVLICPGM) so they can be restored
directly from the install\upgrade media.
At this point the exit program could additionally do PTF stuff, but
the presumption is that the DSLO was created specifically with all the
necessary PTFs, so the process is effectively done; i.e. there would be
little reason to save the cumulative and groups on the DSLO media,
because they should have been applied to the central system before the
DSLO save was taken.
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