On 12-Apr-2017 09:19 -0500, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
A have a user getting 5250 session error – RPG1251 - Permanent I/O
error occurred (C G S D F).
The error occurs when the user 1. Transfer to secondary job.
Clarification may be in order: When the user performs SysRqs-1 [i.e.
System Request option-1; aka Transfer Secondary Job (TFRSECJOB)] *from*
the session running the failing interactive RPG program presenting the
display? Or perhaps instead, occurs when they return from the secondary
job using, again, the SysReq-1\TFRSECJOB or maybe the SignOff?
Additionally, the occurrence may hinge on whether the affected
user-job has message(s) in their workstation message queue and/or user
message queue whilst also the user-job has Break Message Handling
(BRKMSG) enabled for either *NORMAL or *NOTIFY rather than *HOLD.? The
issue may also be related to the screen size that is active.
When the error occurs, the screen is transposed, left on right,
right on left, with garbage/undisplayable characters on top third.
Surely difficult to explain; not easily comprehended. With that
[garbage/non-displayable characters] description however, seems likely
there could be a msg CPF5192 as the condition for which the RPG error
was then presented in response.?
PC desktop is V7R1 – iSeries Access for Windows, several service
level back, SI47412.
Some very old APARs against the older versions of the emulator had
corrected what might be similar errors; lacking full details [in this
incident or the APARs], difficult to know how similar.
Anyone else experience this error with these symptoms.
I expect the msgRPG1251 would have been preceded by another message,
and that both messages will have further context than what was given.
That context would be available to be shared, and is manifest in, a
*spooled joblog* [i.e. DSPJOBLOG OUTPUT(*PRINT)] taken with LOG(4 0
*SECLVL) for the specified JOB().
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