I'm having an issue doing FTP, we're using a method we've used in the past.
Source file contains the script and the log goes to a second source file.
I changed some of the names but left the rest the same.
FTP command in CL program:
USER prof_name passwd10
CD /Myron catalog
PUT eprodcat_1746207GR.csv
The log I'm getting:
Connecting to host ftp.HOSTEDFTP.COM at address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx using p
220 Service ready for new user.
Enter login ID (prof_name):
331 User name okay, need password for OPEN.
530 Authentication failed.
Enter an FTP subcommand.
USER prof_name **********
No response from remote host; all connections closed.
I have the AS/400 profile and password the same as the remote profile and password.
The only thing I can think of is that the remote profile is lower case and the iSeries it's upper case.
I don't know if that matters.
I'm running this signed on under that user profile.
When I do FTP from the command line and enter the user profile & password I successfully get in.
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