I've written GUIs for GL uploads and other utility purposes for JDE World.
You could write an HTML dashboard, inquiry or some other utilitarian program for your power users and then often the laggards jump on board once they see how easy things are.
Unless your entire staff is retirement age you have to start trickling out some modernization and sniff around for automation opportunities.
There's one question I use when looking for automation opps in a business:
"Where is anyone in the business doing manual work 15-60+ minutes per day ?"
This is a great way to get an internal automation or process improvement discussion open.
You don't need E1 to start moving forward.
Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p. 952.486.6802
w. helpsystems.com
message: 2
date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 22:23:28 +0000
from: Bob Cagle <bcagle@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Looking for like-minded programmers who use the enhanced
features of 5250
Also don't forget the shops that are stuck with a green-screen ERP (JDE World in my situation). Can I code new apps in modern GUI? Yes. Do the users want it? No, not always. I've specifically been requested to code new apps in green screen for uniformity.
p.s. Yes, we would love to upgrade to JDE E1 (modern GUI version), but have an owner that has zero desire to spend the money.
Bob Cagle
IT Manager
From: Booth Martin
However there is the other camp , also very large, of programmers in shops that are green screen and going to remain in green screen; shops that are stuck at V5R4, shops that are in the 8th year of their 90-day transition to a "modern" solution, shops where the staff is sharply divided between The Ancients and >The Young Un's. These shops, for whatever reason, are staying with 5250 and, by default, still programming like it's 1992.
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