Thanks to the nice work done by the guys who ported the Mono framework to IBM i, you can now start using Visual Studio and Visual Studio Community to create and compile apps that run natively on IBM i in PASE, Windows, Mac and Linux.
Check out this recent article:
You can use your compiled CS and VB objects (EXE/DLL) without change by running via the mono command. Supports .Net 2.0 - 4.7.1 and also .Net Standard which is what my open source XMLSERVICE data service wrapper is written in.
Download and install MonoOni from here:
I have tested my XMLSERVICE wrapper which ran with a sample console app by creating and compiling in Visual Studio and simply copying the compiled app into the IFS and running. It just worked.
They still don't have all the database stuff working, bit with XMLSERVICE you can start building .Net apps and services that serve IBM i data, commands, program calls and data queues right now without waiting.
I will also be releasing an open source MONO CL command wrapper soon that can call and consume .Net programs using RPG, CL, COBOL or anything that can compose and call a CL command.
There are so any things available in .Net for writing utilities that make this big news for those of you interested in bringing VB and C# application code directly to IBM i.
Enjoy and sent me a note directly if you want early access to the MONO CL command wrapper before it gets posted on Github.
Richard Schoen
Director of Document Management Technology
e. richard.schoen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p. 952.486.6802 | m. 952.486.6802
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