Hi Justin,
According to the book (
CHGINPDFT (Change Input Default) keyword for display files
Use this file-, record-, or field-level keyword to change one or more input defaults for input-capable
Without parameter values, this keyword removes the underline for input-capable fields (input only or
input/output). With parameter values, this keyword applies the specified display attributes or keyboard
controls to the affected input-capable fields.
Best regards,
date: Fri, 31 May 2019 16:55:22 +0000
from: Justin Taylor <JUSTIN@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:JUSTIN@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
subject: DSPF remove underline Both field
How can I remove the underline for a 5250 display file field that's defined as input/output Both?
I've fortunately been far removed from 5250 apps, so I've forgotten how to do this.
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