In ACS version
Open the directory where the material is located. Highlight the items needed. Right click to copy.
Paste them to the destination directory via right click.
Quick. Painless.
Very Respectfully,
Michael Mayer
IBM I on Power System Admin.
IT Operations.
The Florida Bar
651 E. Jefferson St
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2300
Office: 850.561.5761
Cell: 518.641.8906
message: 5
date: Thu, 14 Jan 2021 17:37:08 +0100
from: Alex Mart?nez <ajut400@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Copying the contents of one IFS directory to another
to copy all zip files use
CPY OBJ('/fromfolder/*.zip') TODIR('/tofolder')
or to move objects try with
MOV OBJ('/fromfolder/*.zip') TODIR('/tofolder')
El jue, 14 ene 2021 a las 17:33, James H. H. Lampert (<
jamesl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>) escribi?:
Is there a better, faster, easier way to copy all files matching a
specific pattern (*.zip in this case) from one IFS directory to
another, than doing it via a save file?
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