Hi all
for obvious security reasons, I must as soon as possible change QPWDLVL to
value 2
I ask please, if possible, tell me what are the steps to follow to avoid
These are the steps that i would have thought to follow:
1. Savsecdta
2. DSPAUTUSR OUTPUT(*PRINT) and check for users that don't have that a
password that is usable at password level 2
3. Check QPWDVLDPGM system value must specify either *REGFAC or *NONE
4. Change system value QPWDLVL to 2
5. Powerdwnsys with restart *yes
Anyway i have these doubts:
1. In the iSeries Access for Windows login (we still use iSerie Access
for Windows and not ACS), the password field, is ready to accept 128
character ?
2. Which minimun iSeries Access for Windows version we need to use ?
3. In the pdf at this link
https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/ssw_ibm_i_72/rzarl/sc415302.pdf at page 222,
there is a list of clients that uses password substitution will not work
correctly at QPWDLVL 2 :
. IBM i Access
. IBM i Host Servers
. QFileSrv.400
. IBM i NetServer Print support
. SNA LU6.2
How can i check if these clients are updated for QPWDLVL level 2?
IBM i Access is the same of iSeries Access for Windows ?
Thanks in advance
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