On Thu, Feb 16, 2023 at 3:59 AM Sean Courtney <scourtney@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank you for the examples ...
The links provided by Richard Schoen are very useful indeed. They are
especially useful if you don't have the time or interest in actually
learning any Python, but just want essentially fully packaged
software. As such, they are much longer and more complicated than an
ad hoc script would be (which is the kind of example I would have
provided). That's not meant in a bad way; Richard's stuff is usually
thoughtfully engineered. Most of the time, you can take a piece of his
code, copy it to your machine, and use it verbatim, without altering
even a single character. All you need to know is how to call it. And
in this case, you also have to know how to install the required
dependencies (but there aren't many, they are all free, and it's very,
very easy).
If you don't already have Python installed (and especially if you
don't even know how to find out whether you have Python installed):
John Y.
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