Hello Niels,
Am 13.03.2023 um 16:09 schrieb Niels Liisberg <nli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Yes ! Docker is great- I use it all the time while I develop.
Maybe they have their uses for development. Can't tell, don't care. :-)
To me, containers are just another layer of indirection, pretending to make things easier by hiding the underlying complexity. Unless something breaks and you need to debug that stuff.
That's what "we" (the IT guys in society) doing wrong for decades. We try to tame complexity by adding more of it as shielding layers, in turn building card houses, more or less blindly relying on lower layers to always behave as expected, or even guessed. And don't get me started about the overhead containers introduce. I'm not just talking about CPU.
Microservices might also solve certain problems, but they're "not local" and thus introduce latency. Latency is well-known to limit throughput (when looked at from a transactional viewpoint). And since people are so fond of containers, microservices running within them might provide minor functionality, but with a considerable overhead.
Even the argument about what I'd call "loose coupling" is moot. The promise as — I understood it — is that development of the microservice can't introduce side effects in applications using that microservice, because it's not integrated into the main application code.
I assert that if you change something in a conventional application code, and that change introduces side effects, you're again a victim of complexity: You lack(ed) complete overlook what the code does and thus can't foresee probable side effects.
The pattern repeats: We introduce more complexity (by adding more code) as a shielding layer.
New doesn't automatically mean "better". Just saying.
:wq! PoC
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