Hi Joe,
I think maybe a better method would be to design your schema around qtxtsrc,qclle,qrpgle,qcble etc and maybe have a tool like hawkeye or APLUS. You can google those tools. You can also use queries against tables in the db2 schema ie qsys2.* and sysibm.* to help manage your objects. Change management is important too especially with sox. Turnover and Aldon are both good management tools for change control. Hopefully this sorta answers your question.
On Monday, July 3, 2023, 10:30:43 AM CDT, joe <joe.planet21@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Is it possible to have all the source code placed in a single file for all
the source members which are present there in different libraries in to
corresponding source physical files?
And the output of that file should be like something if we do sql/runqry
over it then should be able to see it's members separately i mean when one
member ends and another starts clearly with proper source code
readability like we read it separately individually to that member when we
do wrkmbrpdm and do option 5 to browse it from it's source (from it's
corresponding library and source physical file)
Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
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