The QSRSAV21 data area in library QUSRSYS contains information about the
last five most recent GO SAVE Option 21 (Save Entire System) operations.
The information includes the starting date and time of each major step in
the save operation, the step identifier, and the device used. The ending
date and time of the save operation is identified with asterisks. You can
use this information to help you plan how much time to estimate for your
next GO SAVE Option 21 operation.
I did not know about this data area. It's been around since at least 7.1
Found about it via an iSee blog by Scott Forstie and Tim Rowe which whips
up some SQL to dissect it.
I do not have this data area. However I've been using BRMS for all saves
and haven't used a GO SAVE 21 in years. Not even for unloading/reloading
systems during migrations.
There are other data areas for other save operations documented at that
same URL.
I always thought it was odd that Reclaim Storage has a data area,
QUSRSYS/QRCLSTG, and that saves didn't. Now I know better.
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