Hi Vern
I found this at
s-through-afp-print-driver :
"..If the printer is configured with TRANSFORM(*YES), it will not support
these objects .."
The AFP print driver from Ricoh has the capability to generate color
documents, including overlays and page segments. These color options are set
in the AFP print driver's Image Options under the Printing Preferences.
However, before trying to use color overlays and page segments, please
ensure that the printer you are targeting will support such objects. If the
printer is configured with TRANSFORM(*YES), it will not support these
objects. Some color IPDS printers will support these objects, as well as the
virtual IPDS printer emulated by Infoprint Server's spooled file to PDF
conversion. You can directly create PDF from a printer file using the IBM
Transform Services, product 5770TS1. Transform Services also supports color
AFP objects; however, it does not support CMYK color profile. There is an
Idea for the product to support CMYK color:
Enhancement of AFPRSC/Transform service to support CYMK color:
It seems that i can't print color overlay with HPT ??::
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