I'm a little late to the game...
Here's what I use to zip and store the output to my home directory for
future reference.
Note: You need ncdu and gzip installed. Run during downtime.
For Libraries:
$ ncdu -1xo- /QSYS.LIB | gzip > ncdu-export-libraries01.gz
For everything else in the IFS:
$ ncdu -1xo- / --exclude /QDLS --exclude /QFileSvr.400 --exclude /QIBM
--exclude /QNTC --exclude /QOpenSys --exclude /QOPT --exclude /QSR --exclude
/QSYS.LIB --exclude /QTCPTMM | gzip > ncdu-export-ifs01.gz
Then to review them on-demand:
$ zcat ncdu-export-libraries01.gz | ncdu -f-
$ zcat ncdu-export-ifs01.gz | ncdu -f-
message: 4
date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:47:23 +0000
from: Richard Schoen <richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Who stole my IBM i disk space ?
Ncdu does output to a file in JSON format with the -o switch.
Which means it is accessible from 5250.
Richard Schoen
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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