Hi All, I need help with creating an SQL.
I have a table with many fields but there are 3 relevant fields for my
Field1, From Date, Thru Date
The Date fields are date ranges, defined as packed(7:0) and have valid
dates in *cymd format. I need to find Field 1 values where there is a gap
between the date ranges.

For example, if my table has:
F1, 1230101, 1241231
F1, 1250101, 1261231
F1, 1270101, 1270630
F2, 1260101, 1260215
F2, 1260216, 1261231
F2, 1260601, 1271231 (the date ranges may overlap or even be same)
F3, 1240101, 1240331
F3, 1240601, 1241231
F4, 1240101, 1241231
F5, 1240101, 1241231
F5, 1250301, 1250630

I need to find values F3 and F5

Can this be done using SQL? It is a one time exercise to query the data, so
multiple SQLs with intermediate files is also okay.


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