
What example code would you like? If I have it I'll pass it along.

As to the unique device name routed to a specific subsystem, that's all
workstation entries. (Unless you use some of the advanced techniques I used
to teach at COMMON by using a routing program, maybe that's what you were
looking for?) More importantly it's the initial program that's called for
the device log in that counts as how the screen is handled. That is also a
user issue.

In short, there are lots of options and I'm not sure one is any better than
any other except maybe in complexity to set up and maintain.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 8:48 AM Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Rob,

Am 06.09.2024 um 18:16 schrieb Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>:

You may wish to look at the RPG code ACQ. Basically acquires a
without having to use a sign on screen.
I have never used it.
I believe it's geared towards that kiosk type application.

Again, thanks for that hint!

I wonder how to make this work with dynamic connections (aka telnet). I
presume that I need to statically define a device name in the tn5250
client, so I can route incoming requests to a specific SBS. How to continue
from here?

The help text for addwse does not provide helpful insight how to bypass
the signon screen.

I guess I need a way to connect an incoming interactive session request
(generic: could be a hardware terminal, could be SNA, could be telnet) to
spawn an application using ACQ to tie to the associated device files. No
idea about that. Suggestions welcome.

I have orbited around a somewhat similar topic earlier and started a
thread in May 2020 with the subject "Telnet server multiple instances?".
The main intention back then was to provide sign-on screens in different
languages. Since then I've managed to make this work reliably by relying on
device names. And now I remember that I probably should publicly document
how I did it.

Larry mentioned 'maintenance in progress' screens and other possibilities
in a reply, which seems to match my desired outcome.

Jim Oberholtzer mentioned some example code he wanted to get to me, but I
fail to find this mail with his answer.

Hints are very welcome!

:wq! PoC

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