I'm on ACS and I use the Semeru java version. I download the latest version

based on my Windows environment and place the Semeru java folder in my ACS folder.

Then run the Windows 64 installer and open my 5250 sessions from ACS. I have a bchx

file that contains my 5250 configured sessions. They all open at the same time.

When I hit help, I see the ACS version help screen which includes the java Semeru

info. ACS seems very stable running this way.


More info on that can be found on my blog on the Helpful Tips by Category page.


Michael Mayer

IBM i on Power System Admin / VMO Specialist


2225 Industrial Rd

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2. ACS question (DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L)

3. Re: ACS question (Glenn Gundermann)

4. Re: ACS question (Rob Berendt)

5. Re[2]: ACS question (MidrangeL)

6. RE: ACS question (Dan Bale)



message: 2

date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 14:47:46 -0600

from: DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

subject: ACS question

Does anyone else experience this:

I have multiple 5250 windows open in ACS to different IBM i servers in our network. Quite often, when I click on the IFS plug-in, I suffer a hard crash in ACS only. This seems to happen when a folder I access has alot [i.e 10,000+ entries] in it. The PC seems to get sluggish, then the 5250 windows all start closing themselves, one by one until there are no more

5250 windows open, and the IFS plug-in is closed too.

I am running ACS version on 11.0.8

Is there some kind of limit to ACS's IFS Plugin? Has there been an update to Windows that is causing this? Does anyone else experience this?

Thank you,


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message: 3

date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 15:52:55 -0500

from: Glenn Gundermann <glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>>

subject: Re: ACS question

The current version of ACS is

Yours truly,

Glenn Gundermann

Email: glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>

Cell: (416) 317-3144

On Tue, 3 Dec 2024 at 15:47, DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L < midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Does anyone else experience this:

I have multiple 5250 windows open in ACS to different IBM i servers in

our network. Quite often, when I click on the IFS plug-in, I suffer a

hard crash in ACS only. This seems to happen when a folder I access

has alot [i.e 10,000+ entries] in it. The PC seems to get sluggish,

then the 5250 windows all start closing themselves, one by one until

there are no more

5250 windows open, and the IFS plug-in is closed too.

I am running ACS version on 11.0.8

Is there some kind of limit to ACS's IFS Plugin? Has there been an

update to Windows that is causing this? Does anyone else experience this?

Thank you,


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attachments accompanying it) contain confidential information belonging to the sender.

The information is intended only for the use of the intended

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message: 4

date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 16:06:51 -0500

from: Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>>

subject: Re: ACS question

A lot of people make the mistake of doing Help, About on a 5250 session to see what version they are running. 5250 <> iACS. You should open the iACS main menu and check version there.

Glenn, you are behind. The current version is

On Tue, Dec 3, 2024 at 3:53?PM Glenn Gundermann <glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>>


The current version of ACS is

Yours truly,

Glenn Gundermann

Email: glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>

Cell: (416) 317-3144

On Tue, 3 Dec 2024 at 15:47, DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L <

midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Does anyone else experience this:

I have multiple 5250 windows open in ACS to different IBM i servers



network. Quite often, when I click on the IFS plug-in, I suffer a

hard crash in ACS only. This seems to happen when a folder I access

has alot [i.e 10,000+ entries] in it. The PC seems to get sluggish,

then the 5250 windows all start closing themselves, one by one until

there are no more

5250 windows open, and the IFS plug-in is closed too.

I am running ACS version on 11.0.8

Is there some kind of limit to ACS's IFS Plugin? Has there been an

update to Windows that is causing this? Does anyone else experience this?

Thank you,


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accompanying it) contain confidential information belonging to the


The information is intended only for the use of the intended recipient.


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message: 5

date: Tue, 03 Dec 2024 21:08:04 +0000

from: MidrangeL <midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrangel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

subject: Re[2]: ACS question

I would upgrade to the latest ACS VRM, then if it persists, contact IBM support.

The other question is are there limits imposed by a firewall causing a timeout?


Jim Oberholtzer

Chief Technical Architect

Agile Technology Architects

------ Original Message ------

From "Glenn Gundermann" <glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>>

To "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion"


Date 12/3/2024 2:52:55 PM

Subject Re: ACS question

The current version of ACS is

Yours truly,

Glenn Gundermann

Email: glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx<mailto:glenn.gundermann@xxxxxxxxx>

Cell: (416) 317-3144

On Tue, 3 Dec 2024 at 15:47, DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L <

midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Does anyone else experience this:

I have multiple 5250 windows open in ACS to different IBM i servers in our

network. Quite often, when I click on the IFS plug-in, I suffer a hard

crash in ACS only. This seems to happen when a folder I access has alot

[i.e 10,000+ entries] in it. The PC seems to get sluggish, then the 5250

windows all start closing themselves, one by one until there are no more

5250 windows open, and the IFS plug-in is closed too.

I am running ACS version on 11.0.8

Is there some kind of limit to ACS's IFS Plugin? Has there been an update

to Windows that is causing this? Does anyone else experience this?

Thank you,


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accompanying it) contain confidential information belonging to the sender.

The information is intended only for the use of the intended recipient. If

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message: 6

date: Tue, 3 Dec 2024 21:16:46 +0000

from: Dan Bale <dan.bale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:dan.bale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>

subject: RE: ACS question

In our shop, we've determined that the vendor / version of Java ACS is using can affect stability. Our shop standard is Eclipse Adoptium 17.0.9, and it (according to IBM) is likely the culprit behind all the problems with ACS crashing: Too many green screen windows/tabs open, too many SQL result windows open (probably tabs in an SQL windows as well, but I always open results in their own window). In addition, attempts to resize 5250 windows results in random sizes that you can't overcome. When this happens, I need to close ACS completely and start over.

IBM recommends using "Java 11", specifically IBM OpenJ9's Java 11. See:


I would like to say that I've downloaded and installed it to determine whether it really does solve these problems, but our software control committee needs to approve and they are determined to have only one version of Java enterprise wide.

- Dan

-----Original Message-----

From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> On Behalf Of DEnglander--- via MIDRANGE-L

Sent: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 3:48 PM

To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Cc: DEnglander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:DEnglander@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Subject: ACS question

Does anyone else experience this:

I have multiple 5250 windows open in ACS to different IBM i servers in our network. Quite often, when I click on the IFS plug-in, I suffer a hard crash in ACS only. This seems to happen when a folder I access has alot [i.e 10,000+ entries] in it. The PC seems to get sluggish, then the 5250 windows all start closing themselves, one by one until there are no more

5250 windows open, and the IFS plug-in is closed too.

I am running ACS version on 11.0.8

Is there some kind of limit to ACS's IFS Plugin? Has there been an update to Windows that is causing this? Does anyone else experience this?

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