Hi John,

Check out this micro tutorial I put together for you:

Question: but Ibm can't help us ?

IBM helps this community very frequently (Kevin Adler, Tony Cairns, Jesse
Gorzinski, etc). To be honest this isn't their problem. I do realize it's
in their best interest to help us along, but they are not obligated to do
so. And for stuff like this, we, the community, should be able to solve

With that said, what we ~should~ hold IBM to is things only they can
address. Specifically, node-inspector not working (issue with the V8
engine as I understand it), the Node.js DB2 driver not being open sourced,
and the Node.js port not being open sourced. You can find each of these at
IBM's RFE page: http://krengel.tech/pase-rfe (you'll need to log in to see
them). That link is a predefined search to only show PASE related RFEs.
Please vote on the ones you'd like to see movement on.

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month. litmis.com/spaces

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 4:57 PM, john art <jhon_art@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Aaron

here what i have done


$ npm install node-repl
nodejs-demo@1.0.0 /home/mm/nodedbg
`-- node-repl@2.0.2
`-- strip-bom@1.0.0
+-- first-chunk-stream@1.0.0
`-- is-utf8@0.2.1"

run this (first)
$ node_modules/node-repl/bin/node-repl indes.js
node_modules/node-repl/bin/node-repl: not found

run this (then)
$ node-repl index
node-repl: not found

thanks anyway

Question: but Ibm can't help us ?

Da: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> per conto di Aaron
Bartell <aaronbartell@xxxxxxxxx>
Inviato: mercoledì 26 luglio 2017 18:04:29
A: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Oggetto: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

i have tried to install REPL (npm install node-repl -g) but when i run
"node-repl server.js" i receive "node-repl: not found" ??

​Try installing the node-repl npm local to your project (omit -g during
install) and then run it like so...

$ node_modules/node-repl/bin/node-repl mypgm.js

Note I haven't ​tested the above, just showing how to resolve to where the
runtime for node-repl most likely exists.

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month. litmis.com/spaces

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:55 AM, john art <jhon_art@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi and thanks all

I am discouraged ..

with inspector i can't debug my source, with VS neither,, i have tried to
install REPL (npm install node-repl -g) but when i run "node-repl
server.js" i receive "node-repl: not found" ?? i have exhausted all<
italiano/they+have+exhausted+all> options ..

pheraps ibm released PTF for inspector problem or are there other
options ?

Thanks in advance

Da: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> per conto di Aaron
Bartell <aaronbartell@xxxxxxxxx>
Inviato: mercoledì 26 luglio 2017 17:33
A: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Oggetto: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

Hi Kevin,

I wanted to clarify something...

VS Code is running your app locally on your PC, so it can't load stuff
that resides in your IBMi IFS.

What's important to note/contrast is VSCode is using the Node.js runtime
your local PC and ~not~ the IBM i Node.js runtime. Further, this means
~can~ load the source from the IFS via mapped drive**, but it will be run
in the local PC's Node.js runtime. In John's case it couldn't resolve
/QOpenSys... which can be fixed. What ~can't~ be fixed is that the
DB2 adapter/driver is a native extension (compiled for PASE SQL CLIs on
i). So even after resolving the path, it still most likely won't work.

The next question might be "What if I run Node.js v6.9.1 on both my local
PC and IBM i and don't use the native IBM i Node.js DB2 adapter/driver,
will I still have issues?" The answer is "it depends". For example,
npms call out to OS file system commands/APIs (i.e futime) and not all of
those exist on IBM i. This means that it could work on your local PC
in development but fail once deployed to production on IBM i. It's worth
nothing that some npms are only required during development so this isn't
an issue (i.e. devDependencies in package.json). The short answer is you
should also use the production Node.js runtime for your development
runtime to save from surprises. What I do is use the VSCode debugger in
small scenarios where I need to figure out what is going on and then I
back to using the IBM i Node.js runtime for development once the issue
been resolved.

** I use SSHFS. Learn more here: http://krengel.tech/mcpress-

I hope what I said makes sense.

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month. litmis.com/spaces

On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Kevin Turner <

You missed the bit earlier in the email trail that said that this
is only possible if your code is platform agnostic. Yours is not
it is trying to load IBMi code from the IFS. VS Code is running your
locally on your PC, so it can't load stuff that resides in your IBMi
You would need to have copies of this stuff within your project and
load/require it from there.

From: OpenSource [opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of john
art [
Sent: 26 July 2017 15:47
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

[External Email]

Hi Kevin

ok now is better ..

but when i try to debug a very simple js file i receive this error (in
Code debug view)

Error: Cannot find module '/QOpenSys/QIBM/ProdData/OPS/
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:469:15) at
Function.Module._load (module.js:417:25) at Module.require
(module.js:497:17) at require (internal/module.js:20:19) at
Object.<anonymous> (<file://>\\\
//\\\angelo\nodewebix\server.js:5:10>) at
Module._compile (module.js:570:32) at Object.Module._extensions..js
(module.js:579:10) at Module.load (module.js:487:32) at tryModuleLoad
(module.js:446:12) at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)

i checked and in my As400 this file exist ..

where am i wrong and why in normal run i don't receive thsi error


Da: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> per conto di Kevin
Turner <kevin.turner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Inviato: mercoledì 26 luglio 2017 11:26:51
A: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Oggetto: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

Make sure you are using VS Code (not VS). The two are completely

When you are using the debug option you are running the code within VS
it prompts you to create a profile to describe how it should launch the
application (i.e. which module to run). You don't need a browser for
debugging. You only need that if your application is a browser-based
application, so you would use the browser to interact with your app.

You'd be much better off following a VS Code debugging tutorial than
asking on here.

From: OpenSource [opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] on behalf of john
art [
Sent: 26 July 2017 10:19
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

[External Email]


sorry but I have some difficulties to understand how VS debugger works

- i open the source in VS

- start debug in VS

- then i have to start the app with node ($ node index) ?

- then i have to open in browser my ?

sorry but don't undesrtand how to use/run it ..

can some one help me suggesting sone stesp by step link

Thanks in advance

Da: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx> per conto di Brian
Inviato: giovedì 20 luglio 2017 17:49:36
A: IBMi Open Source Roundtable
Oggetto: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

We also use VS Code for debugging. It is a very easy debugging

Brian May
Pre-Sales and Customer Solutions
Profound Logic Software
937-439-7925 Phone
877-224-7768 Toll Free

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-----Original Message-----
From: OpenSource [mailto:opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Kevin Turner
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2017 10:42 AM
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] How to debug NodeJs ?

I use VS code for debugging because our stuff is generally platform
agnostic. We also use winston for logging - so you can output debug
when running in debug mode that don't clutter logs in prod mode.

[https://www.netcracker.com/assets/img/netcracker-social-final.png] ƕ
20 Jul 2017, at 16:34, Aaron Bartell <aaronbartell@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

[External Email]

Hi John,

Debugging Node.js can be done in a variety of fashions. Here's what
currently do...

- REPL. The Node.js REPL is great for quickly testing smaller chunks
of code in PASE. I use this frequently to test my iterations of
formulating the correct parm lists for calling RPG programs.

- console.log(). Not ideal, but it works.

- If the code is platform agnostic then you can use the VSCode step
debugger (note this will eventually work for Node.js in PASE once IBM
addresses the node-inspector issue).

- Certain web frameworks have debug output capabilities while in
development mode. For example, ExpressJs debugging

Aaron Bartell
IBM i hosting, starting at $157/month. litmis.com/spaces

On Wed, Jul 19, 2017 at 12:35 PM, john art <jhon_art@xxxxxxxxxxx>

if node-inspecto don't work (if i wel understand) , how can i debug
nodeJs ?

Thanks in advance

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