Another option might be to actually spin thru STDOUT after the QSH call and look for expected messages.
Richard Schoen
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Phn: (612) 315-1745
message: 1
date: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 18:20:49 +0100
from: Craig Richards <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi All,
In order to trap QSH errors, I've been setting QIBM_QSH_CMD_ESCAPE_MSG to Y as a Job level Environmental Variable and it works swimmingly when I call QSH with a single command.
But my testing seems to indicate that if I pass several semicolon separated commands to QSH (directly in the CMD parameter), the Escape Message is based on whether the LAST command had exit status 0 or not.
So my simple cunning plan, that at the first sign of trouble, QSH would stop executing commands and send me a nice Escape Message I could monitor for has fallen at the first hurdle.
I can see the errors in STDOUT which I've overridden.
I'm guessing that to get the behaviour I want (stop executing commands and notify the caller via an escape message at the first error), I'll need to use a script instead?
Thanks kindly,
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