I think you mean:

----- Original message -----
From: Kevin Bucknum <Kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: "OpenSource" <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] [EXTERNAL] Re: beginning python
Date: Fri, Dec 13, 2019 10:20 AM
You missed a colon in this.

Next I tried this

Should be

-----Original Message-----
From: OpenSource [[2]mailto:opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Smith, Mike
Sent: Friday, December 13, 2019 10:10 AM
To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [IBMiOSS] [EXTERNAL] Re: beginning python

Sorry I just saw your reply.   A lot of replies to me from this list,
never make it to my email.
I do often use Putty, but don't do bash.   I'm not sure what it really
is or what it does for me(topic for another day I suppose)

I have python 2.7 and and just upgraded python3 from 3.4.6 to 3.6.9 .
I also have two different user profiles. QSECOFR level and a user level.
When I do a call qp2term

Don't call qp2term. Learn to login via SSH, set your shell to
/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash and export TERM=xterm

with my user level profile I only see python 3.4.6 On my QSECOFR level I
see python 3.6.9

echo $PATH and get back to us on both.

/* if I sign in with user mike and type python3, I get python 3.4.6 Path

/* if I sign in with user supermike and type python3, I get python 3.6.9
Path shows

PIP3 freeze under both users show
DEPRECATION: Python 3.4 support has been deprecated. pip 19.1 will be
the last one supporting it. Please upgrade your Python as Python 3.4
won't be maintained after March 2019 (cf PEP 429).

Next I tried this
Echo $PATH shows

My guess based on Craigs reply(which I realize he was doing virtual
environments) was that I could change the path, then try to install
xlxswriter and have it associated with python3.6.  It did not It tells
me requirement already satisfied.

If I would be better suited moving this to ryver, let me know.


Now a couple of basic questions.

From python can I create spool files? Don't know if I want to just

You can do system stuff calling from Python to the surrounding env, and
in that env there is /QOpenSys/usr/bin/system

When one does fancy OS400 stuff from Python one often just calls into
OS400 to run a CL.

And vice-versa.

Trying out a sample I found to create a spreadsheet, I found I needed to
import xlsxwriter. I did not see that listed under the ACS Package
manager, but was able to do a PIP Install. Just trying to understand
when and why I should use ACS vs PIP.

You use yum vs pip when pip won't install something that has to build
itself nicely and won't do so under PASE without tweaks. (Some of) those
are the packages IBM has yum'ed.

Can I connect to sql server from python running on the I. I tried to
import pyodbc, but it is failing. Should I be using this?

pyodbc or yum install python3-ibm_db

Can someone point me to some slightly more advanced example of
connecting to db2 and creating a report.

We discuss this stuff all day on IBMiOSS on Ryver.

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[3]https://ibmioss.ryver.com/application/signup/members/9tJsXDG7_iSSi1Q ;

-----Original Message-----
From: OpenSource <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Kevin Adler
Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 4:10 PM
To: opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [IBMiOSS] beginning python

   That's wrong, the openssl package does *not* ship any libraries so
this is
   useless. Besides, the python3 package should be pulling in the
   dependencies automatically.

   If you ever see a load error due to an unresolved symbol or similar
   coming from IBM RPMs, that's either a bug with setting LIBPATH and
   up the wrong library (don't do this) or it's a packaging bug that
   be reported to
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     ----- Original message -----
     From: Jack Woehr <jwoehr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     Sent by: "OpenSource" <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     To: IBMi Open Source Roundtable <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
     Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [IBMiOSS] beginning python
     Date: Mon, Dec 9, 2019 2:54 PM

     need to update OpenSSL to that version or newer.

     yum install openssl

     Jack Woehr
     Absolute Performance, Inc.
     12303 Airport Way, Suite 100
     Broomfield, CO 80021

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