• Subject: Character to Decimal With CVTEFN - Performance Data
  • From: Mel Rothman <melrothman@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 14:55:54 -0500

Although I am not a PEX expert, I took a stab at it using type *STATS. 

Following are results of two runs using the same procedure (C2N3) with
good data (e.g. 123.33) and bad data (123..33), each 10,000 times. 
Subprocedure C2N3 uses CVTEFN.  The driving program is C2N3TEST.

The call to CVTEFN uses the (E) operation extender.  It is followed by a
test for %error.  If true, the subprocedure returns 0; otherwise, it
returns the packed value.

With bad data, CPU time in the RPG program, C2N3TEST, goes up from about
.36 seconds to 7.3 seconds.
Total time goes up from about .6 seconds to 22.6 seconds.  Most of the
additional non-program time seems to be related to handling the

Definition Information (used for both runs)
                                                    Performance Explorer
Library . . :
Member. . . :
Description : 
Type . . . . . . . . . . . . :
Definition Name. . . . . . . :
Defined By . . . . . . . . . :
Definition Description . . . :
Data Organization. . . . . . :
Overhead Subtraction . . . . :
Merge Jobs . . . . . . . . . :
Include Dependent Jobs . . . :
    Name       User      
Selected Task
Selected MI Complex Instructions:    

With Good Data
                                                    Performance Explorer
                                                   Stats CPU Summary
Library . . . . . : 
Member. . . . . . : 
Job name. . . . . :  ALL JOBS/TASKS IN
Description . . . :  
Total Raw CPU . . :       
Overhead Removed. :       
Total CPU . . . . :       
Task CPU. . . . . :         37536     5.8
Job CPU . . . . . :        611421    94.2
   Pgm/Mod CPU. . :        598061    92.2
   Unknown CPU. . :         13360     2.1

Library . . :
Member. . . :
Job name. . : ALL JOBS/TASKS IN
Description : 
                                  +----------------- Inline Stats
             Times   Calls MI CPLX              CPU        DB    DB  
Name        Called    Made  Issued          (us) /   %    SIO   AIO  
C2N3TEST         1      12   10019        357,903 55.2      0     0    
0     0
*CVTEFN      10001       0       0        140,008 21.6      0     0    
0     0
**LIC Task       0       0       0         37,535  5.8      0     0    
0     0
QUICMD           2       7      11         17,868  2.8      0     0    
0     1
**Unknown        0       0       0         13,359  2.1      0     0    
0     0
QUIINMGR        14      28       0          6,163  0.9      0     0    
0     0
*DEQWAIT        19       0       0          4,618  0.7      0     0    
0     0
QWSGET          15      16      15          4,267  0.7      0     0    
0     0
QMHRCVPM        28       6     129          3,443  0.5      0     0    
0     0
*MATPRMSG       69       0       0          3,339  0.5      0     0    
0     0
*MATBPGM         4       0       0          3,086  0.5      0     0    
0     0
*CRTS            3       0       0          3,055  0.5      0     0    
4     0
*REQIO          20       0       0          2,667  0.4      0     0    
0     0
*RSLVSP         18       0       0          2,647  0.4      0     0    
0     0
*DESS            3       0       0          2,571  0.4      0     0    
3     0
QWSPUDDS        14       1      14          2,428  0.4      0     0    
0     0
QUIEXFMT        14      43       1          2,340  0.4      0     0    
0     0
*MATPTR        129       0       0          2,218  0.3      0     0    
0     0
QT3REQIO        23       0      58          1,886  0.3      0     0    
0     0
*MODPRMSG       25       0       0          1,818  0.3      0     0    
0     0
*FNDINXEN       20       0       0          1,644  0.3      0     0    
0     0
QWSPUT          10       7      12          1,611  0.2      0     0    
0     0
QMHRMVPM        17       0      96          1,478  0.2      0     0    
0     0
*SETACST        11       0       0          1,368  0.2      0     0    
3     1
QUIOCNV         14       0       0          1,356  0.2      0     0    
0     0
*SNDPRMSG       15       0       0          1,314  0.2      0     0    
0     0
*DESCR           1       0       0          1,250  0.2      2     1    
0     0
QUIACT          15      15       0          1,184  0.2      0     0    
0     0
*MATINVIF      127       0       0            959  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QUSRJOBI         5       6       2            793  0.1      0     0    
0     0
*MATPTRIF       12       0       0            750  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QMHSNDPM         4       1      17            691  0.1      0     0    
0     0
*CRTDOBJ         1       0       0            642  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QWCSCVTR        12       0       0            639  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QMHDSEXT         1      23       7            638  0.1      0     0    
0     0
*LOCK           11       0       0            632  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QLICKOBJ         1       3       1            606  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QMHRTMSS         6       0      23            605  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QDBOPEN          1       1       6            592  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QLIINSRT         1       5      12            576  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QMHRTVRQ        12       0      24            549  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QCAFLD           3       0       0            513  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QSZGTPRD         2       3       9            497  0.1      0     0    
0     0
*MODADR          1       0       0            468  0.1      0     0    
0     1
*INSDSEN         1       0       0            452  0.1      0     0    
2     0
QLIDLOBJ         1       2       7            450  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QCANPARS         3       0       0            403  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QUIMGFLW         1       5       9            394  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QUSCRTUS         1       5      10            385  0.1      0     0    
0     0
*MATSOBJ         9       0       0            377  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QCAPOS           3       0       0            375  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QCMDEXC          1       7       3            374  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QUILIST          4       0       4            372  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QDMCOPEN         1       1      10            362  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QCADRV2          3      14       1            351  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QSYGRAUT         1       1       7            351  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QWSSFLCT         2       0       0            309  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*ACTCR           1       0       0            308  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QDMRCLSE         1       5      10            306  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*MATPRATR       18       0       0            295  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QSFMQDSP         6       6       0            289  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QUIOPEN          1       2      10            277  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QLEDAGE          1       1       7            272  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*GRANT           1       0       0            270  0.0      0     0    
1     0
*LOCKSL          9       0       0            265  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QUIICHK          4       0       3            258  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QLIMROIR         3       0       9            247  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QLGCNVCS         1       0       6            245  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*MATINVAT        8       0       0            245  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*UNLOCK         10       0       0            243  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QLILIST          1       1      11            239  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*TESTEXCP       16       0       0            231  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWSSPEND         2       4       0            229  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*RMVINXEN        2       0       0            218  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWCRSVAL         1       0       2            216  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*DIAG            3       0       0            204  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWCCVTDT         4       4       0            193  0.0      0     0    
*CVTTS           4       0       0            193  0.0      0     0    
QMHPDEH          2       0       6            181  0.0      0     0    
*MATS            6       0       0            177  0.0      0     0    
*MATCTX          2       0       0            173  0.0      0     0    
QUIDSPP          1       2       0            153  0.0      0     0    
*TESTAU         15       0       0            152  0.0      0     0    
QCATRS           2       0       4            150  0.0      0     0    
*SNSEXCPD        2       0       0            149  0.0      0     0    
QCARULE          3       0       6            138  0.0      0     0    
QLIDLOIR         2       0       7            133  0.0      0     0    
QCAIEXIT         1       0       3            106  0.0      0     0    
QWSHLM           1       0       0            104  0.0      0     0    
QCACALL          1       0       4            101  0.0      0     0    

With Bad Data
                                                    Performance Explorer
                                                   Stats CPU Summary
Library . . . . . :  QPEXDATA                  
Member. . . . . . :  MEL                       
Job name. . . . . :  ALL JOBS/TASKS IN SESSION 
Description . . . :   BLANK                    
Total Raw CPU . . :      31452600              
Overhead Removed. :       8512585              
Total CPU . . . . :      22940015              
Task CPU. . . . . :        289984     1.3 %    
Job CPU . . . . . :      22650031    98.7 %    
   Pgm/Mod CPU. . :      22635439    98.7 %    
   Unknown CPU. . :         14592     0.1 %    

                                                    Performance Explorer
Library . . :
Member. . . :
Job name. . : ALL JOBS/TASKS IN
Description : 
                                  +----------------- Inline Stats
             Times   Calls MI CPLX              CPU        DB    DB  
Name        Called    Made  Issued          (us) /   %    SIO   AIO  
C2N3TEST         1   20012   60019      7,323,251 31.9      0     0   
18     0
QMHRCVPM     10031   20009   40132      2,714,113 11.8      0     0    
0     0
*FNDINXEN    30023       0       0      2,399,313 10.5      0     0    
0     0
*MATPRMSG    30075       0       0      1,762,174  7.7      0     0    
0     0
QMHRTMSS     10009       0   40035      1,572,933  6.9      0     0    
0     0
*SNDPRMSG    10015       0       0      1,562,951  6.8      0     0    
4     0
*CVTEFN      10001       0       0      1,098,417  4.8      0     0    
0     0
QMHPDEH      10002       0   20006      1,021,904  4.5      0     0    
0     0
*MODPRMSG    10025       0       0        698,147  3.0      0     0    
0     0
QWCSCVTR     10012       0       0        661,167  2.9      0     0    
0     0
*MODINVAT    10003       0       0        512,938  2.2      0     0    
0     0
*MATPTR      30135       0       0        476,341  2.1      0     0    
0     0
*MATPTRIF    10012       0       0        455,484  2.0      0     0    
0     0
**LIC Task       0       0       0        289,983  1.3      0     0    
0     0
*CANINV      10000       0       0        186,840  0.8      0     0    
0     0
*TESTAU      10018       0       0        103,886  0.5      0     0    
0     0
QUICMD           2       7      11         17,470  0.1      0     0    
0     0
**Unknown        0       0       0         14,591  0.1      0     0    
0     0
QUIINMGR        14      28       0          6,231  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*DEQWAIT        19       0       0          4,758  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWSGET          15      16      15          4,319  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*REQIO          20       0       0          2,783  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*CRTS            3       0       0          2,753  0.0      0     0    
4     0
*RSLVSP         18       0       0          2,681  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*DESS            3       0       0          2,623  0.0      0     0    
3     0
QUIEXFMT        14      43       1          2,539  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWSPUDDS        14       1      14          2,489  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*MATBPGM         4       0       0          2,083  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QT3REQIO        23       0      58          2,005  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QWSPUT          13       7      15          1,771  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*INSDSEN         1       0       0          1,573  0.0      3     1    
3     0
QMHRMVPM        17       0      96          1,470  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*SETACST        11       0       0          1,414  0.0      0     0    
3     1
QUIOCNV         14       0       0          1,347  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*DESCR           1       0       0          1,259  0.0      2     1    
0     0
QUIACT          15      15       0          1,198  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*MATINVIF      127       0       0            986  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QMHRTVRQ        12       0      24            983  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QUSRJOBI         5       6       2            817  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QMHDSEXT         1      32      10            815  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QMHSNDPM         4       1      17            695  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*LOCK           11       0       0            610  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QLICKOBJ         1       3       1            608  0.0      0     0    
0     0
*CRTDOBJ         1       0       0            603  0.0      0     0    
0     0
QDBOPEN          1       1       6            586  0.0      0     0    
0     0

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Character to Decimal
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 07:08:34 -0600
From: "Richard Jackson" <richardjackson@richardjackson.net>
Reply-To: RPG400-L@midrange.com
To: <RPG400-L@midrange.com>

Could be ... how are you with PEX?  I'm thinking of a call trace then
perhaps an MI trace.

Richard Jackson
Voice: 1 (303) 808-8058
Fax:   1 (303) 663-4325

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com [mailto:owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com]On
Behalf Of Mel Rothman
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:28 PM
To: RPG400-L@midrange.com
Subject: Re: Character to Decimal


It's possible that a good part of the expense associated with the
exception is
message handling stuff used by RPG to monitor/handle it.

Mel Rothman
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