• Subject: Re: QSYSINC not in V3R7M0 what to do?
  • From: bmorris@xxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:16:46 -0400
  • Importance: Normal

>Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 17:37:48 -0500
>From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
>I'm attempting to write an API interface for the QSPRWTRI API.  So far I
have coded the
>parameter specs, but then I get to the Error Code which is a pointer
character to an error
>structure.  Reading the manual on the API points me to "Error Code
Parameter" in the System
>API Reference.  Going there, there are 2 possible structures that can be
returned, and to
>make it even more fun, yet another character pointer the the Exception
data is used.

Jim, you are misunderstanding what CHAR(*) means.  Read _all_ of chapter
two of the System API Reference.

With APIs, never make assumptions about how something works.  If you guess,
and fiddle with your code until it works, you might still have errors, and
these errors will manifest themselves at the most inconvenient moments.

Barbara Morris

---------------------- Forwarded by Barbara Morris/Toronto/IBM on
10/03/2000 12:02 PM ---------------------------

owner-rpg400-l-digest@midrange.com (RPG400-L Digest) on 10/03/2000 03:20:14

Please respond to rpg400-l@midrange.com

To:   rpg400-l-digest@midrange.com
Subject:  RPG400-L Digest V2 #346

RPG400-L Digest        Tuesday, October 3 2000        Volume 02 : Number

This is the RPG/400 Digest Mailing List!
To submit a new message, send your mail to RPG400-L@midrange.com.
To subscribe to this list send email to RPG400-L-DIGEST-SUB@midrange.com.
To unsubscribe from this list send email to
Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator: david@midrange.com


Topics in this issue . . .

Re: Off topic: Divided by a common language (WAS: API receiver variable
Re: keyboard lock on error
RE: Call Path/400
Re: Weird LDA stuff...
Re[2]: Call Path/400
RE: Weird LDA stuff...
RE: Call Path/400
Re: Call Path/400
Re: Call Path/400
Re: Re[2]: Call Path/400
RE: Call Path/400
Re: sys 36 internal display file
Writer Status API
RE: sys 36 internal display file
QSYSINC not in V3R7M0 what to do?
Multi subfiles example
Re: Multi subfiles example
Re: Multi subfiles example


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 11:31:11 -0500
From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
Subject: Re: Off topic: Divided by a common language (WAS: API receiver
variable  limit)

What's a boilerplate?  A boilerplate is a template.  It would be a program
that has the basics of what you are trying to do without any real meat.
time you wanted to create a new program you would copy this boilerplate to
a new name and modify it.  I think you are asking where did the term
for this type of question come from?  Very good question.  I'm not sure
anybody knows, I've used the term for years just because everybody else

Why do you call /COPY members "copy books"?  That is a term only used on
AS/400 as far as I can tell.  I think that's just a term that IBM made up
everyone uses it.

Ahhh, the old "shop" controversy.  They are called "shops" because they
kinda describes the kind of things we do.  There are two types of shops,
there are stores, as in shopping centers, and there are manufacturing
shops.  You would take your car to the "shop" to get it repaired.  Most
times "shop" is used by the people who work in one.  "I work in a sheet
metal shop", "I gotta get back to the shop", etc...  Even though we work
in an office, which is definitely not a shop, it is felt the type of work
we do would place us doing shop work.  Which is generally a trade skill,
metal working, welding, auto mechanics, and the such.  We are not really
doing office work or punching buttons, but we are building and repairing
things, computer programs and systems.


Jim Langston

"McCallion, Martin" wrote:
> So:
> 1) What's a boilerplate?  I understand from the context, but where does
> the term come from, and why?
> 2) Why do you call /COPY members "copy books"?
> 3) Why do you call DP departments and/or software houses "shops"?  Over
> here a shop is a kind of building where you can buy things -- you know,
> big plate-glass windows, tills, all that?  I think you call them stores,
> though.
> Cheers,
> Martin.


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 11:42:28 -0500
From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
Subject: Re: keyboard lock on error

Well, that's fine if you use the biblical method of typing (see and ye
shall find)
but for some of my users, myself included, we are touch typists.  I type at
least 70
wpm (was tested about 10 years ago at that, I'm quite sure I'm much faster
now) and
if I'm typing away at something and make an error I would mess up 10
additional fields
before I noticed there was a problem, if I was in fact looking at the

It takes me a very short time to press the reset key (left control on my
PC) and continue
on.  If it didn't halt me it would take me a little time to fix up all the
errors I
made because the system didn't stop me.

It's a little frustrating on my current PC and applications, however, as I
have 3 PCs
hooked up into one monitor, keyboard and mouse though a BlackBox serv
switch.  You switch
devices by hitting the left ctrl key and then a number.  Left control and
F12 brings up
the menu (press and release ctrl, then hit F12).  It also so happens that
in one of my
applications you press F12 to clear the fields for a new entry.  So, I make
a mistake, press
CTRL, press F12 to get a clear screen and... the menu pops up :P  I gotta
really change the
left ctrl in either my 5250 emulator or the servswitch.


Jim Langston

Gwecnal@aol.com wrote:
> Does anyone know a way to disable the 'keyboard lock on error' function?
> My users find it frustrating to have to press the 'Mommy may I?' key
> being
> allowed to correct their errors, and I agree.  I don't use the error
> keyword
> for this reason, I don't use the VALUES or RANGE function either.  When
> make a mistake, the system already positions the cursor, displays a
> and highlights the field.  It should just let you key the correction.
> Thanks, Lance


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 13:10:31 -0400
From: "Doug Cosgrove" <DCosgrove@entnet.org>
Subject: RE: Call Path/400


This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM. Thanks to your
posting, if I needed an application like the one offered by your company I
would not even consider doing business with them.

Doug Cosgrove

                    "Ross Hartford"
                    <rossh@ccslink.co        To:
                    m>                       cc:
                    Sent by:                 Subject:     RE: Call Path/400

                    10/02/00 10:38 AM
                    Please respond to

We currently sell and support a call center package for the AS/400. The
is http://www.ccslink.com, then select the computer telephony link.  We
partnered with other vendors to allow the vendor to be the best at what
do and to sell the best of breed CallPath solution.

We provide screen pops based on caller identification, call routing,
reporting, and outbound dialing modules. We also provide voice response
and voice recognition script development and implementation.  Your Account
Manager would be Tom Massey. He can be reached at 601-718-0813.

Please contact me privately for additional information.

Ross Hartford
Cothern Computer Systems, Inc.
3760 I-55 North, Suite 200
Jackson, MS 39211
Phone: (601) 718-080.
Support: (888) 222-5577
Fax: (601) 969-1184

Email: mailto:rossh@ccslink.com
Website: http://www.ccslink.com
- -----Original Message-----

From: owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com [mailto:owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com]On
Behalf Of Ian Bunn
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 6:21 AM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: Call Path/400

Hi there folks,

Does anybody know of stats relating to Call Path/400.  We're thinking of
using it in V2 of C-Serv/400.  IBM as usual are keeping tight lipped over
this kind of information (unless you pay them a sizeable amount of money
and/or loose significant control of your company).

Much appreciated

Ian Bunn
Serve your customers right - C-Serv/400

| This is the RPG/400 Mailing List!
| To submit a new message, send your mail to RPG400-L@midrange.com.
| To subscribe to this list send email to RPG400-L-SUB@midrange.com.
| To unsubscribe from this list send email to RPG400-L-UNSUB@midrange.com.
| Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator:


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 13:30:27 -0400
From: bmorris@ca.ibm.com
Subject: Re: Weird LDA stuff...

>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 10:18:37 -0400
>From: "Brenzel, Wendy" <bmis06@MARYWOOD1.MARYWOOD.EDU>
>I have a program that's doing some funky stuff...  It's not a new program,
>but it needed a recompile and ever since is behaving very badly.
> ...>
This is the code that's executed where things go astray...
>C* Read Record from Data Queue
>C                   MOVE      *ZEROS        WAIT              5 0
>C                   CALL      'QRCVDTAQ'
> ...

Wendy, check the parameters for QRCVDTAQ and make sure your buffer
parameter is at least as long as the data-queue's maximum entry
length.  If it's too short, you can get nasty storage-corruption errors
like you are seeing.  If that's the problem, even when it was working
you would have been getting storage corruption problems, but it would
have been storage that didn't matter to the subsequent running of
your program.

Barbara Morris


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 13:30:34 -0400
From: bmorris@ca.ibm.com

>Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 15:19:55 -0400
>From: Buck Calabro <buck.calabro@aptissoftware.com>
> ...
>It is intended for use with Code/400.  The Code compiles use GENOPT
>or *LSTDBG to create it.  Code knows which one to use for which programmer
>because you set *CURLIB to your own library before invoking the Code
>communications program on the workstation session.

OPTION(*SRCDBG) is also necessary if you want to use the ILE debugger to
debug OPM programs.  (The debugger doesn't need this file, but it still
gets created.  If you're not using CODE/400 you can freely delete this

Barbara Morris


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 12:42:14 GMT
From: eric.delong@pmsi-services.com
Subject: Re[2]: Call Path/400

     Whoa, did I miss something? While I realize that the original query
     was asking for the status of CallPath/400, I'm not sure that Ross
     was too far out of line by plugging his product. My flagging memory
     seems to recall that the CallPath/400 product was being dropped,
     and if such were the case, alternative products would be the only

     Perhaps Ross should have waited til the subject of alternatives
     came up. I don't know.....


______________________________ Reply Separator
Subject: RE: Call Path/400
Author:  <RPG400-L@midrange.com> at INET_WACO
Date:    10/2/00 1:10 PM


This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM. Thanks to your
posting, if I needed an application like the one offered by your company I
would not even consider doing business with them.

Doug Cosgrove



Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 14:17:40 -0400
From: "Brenzel, Wendy" <bmis06@MARYWOOD1.MARYWOOD.EDU>
Subject: RE: Weird LDA stuff...

- -Thanks...  I think that was it...  The actual record length of the dtaq
269, but it was created with a length of 512.  When I changed the program
that creates the dtaq to create with a length of 269, it ran perfectly.

Thanks for all the responses...  It all seems so obvious now... :)

Wendy, check the parameters for QRCVDTAQ and make sure your buffer
parameter is at least as long as the data-queue's maximum entry
length.  If it's too short, you can get nasty storage-corruption errors
like you are seeing.  If that's the problem, even when it was working
you would have been getting storage corruption problems, but it would
have been storage that didn't matter to the subsequent running of
your program.

Barbara Morris

| This is the RPG/400 Mailing List!
| To submit a new message, send your mail to RPG400-L@midrange.com.
| To subscribe to this list send email to RPG400-L-SUB@midrange.com.
| To unsubscribe from this list send email to RPG400-L-UNSUB@midrange.com.
| Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator:


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 13:28:05 -0500
From: rob@dekko.com
Subject: RE: Call Path/400

He replied to an earlier email.  I guess I don't have too much a problem
with that.  I don't believe the earlier email was staged, just to allow him
an opening.  We have numerous vendors who reply.  Granted it would have
been better if he replied with the current status of Call Path, and then
disclosed that he markets an alternative product.  But maybe he didn't
reply on the status of Call Path because he didn't want to say anything
negative ;-)

                    "Doug Cosgrove"
                    <DCosgrove@entnet        To:     RPG400-L@midrange.com
                    .org>                    cc:
                    Sent by:                 Subject:     RE: Call Path/400

                    10/02/00 12:10 PM
                    Please respond to


This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM. Thanks to your
posting, if I needed an application like the one offered by your company I
would not even consider doing business with them.

Doug Cosgrove

                    "Ross Hartford"
                    <rossh@ccslink.co        To:
                    m>                       cc:
                    Sent by:                 Subject:     RE: Call Path/400

                    10/02/00 10:38 AM
                    Please respond to

We currently sell and support a call center package for the AS/400. The
is http://www.ccslink.com, then select the computer telephony link.  We
partnered with other vendors to allow the vendor to be the best at what
do and to sell the best of breed CallPath solution.

We provide screen pops based on caller identification, call routing,
reporting, and outbound dialing modules. We also provide voice response
and voice recognition script development and implementation.  Your Account
Manager would be Tom Massey. He can be reached at 601-718-0813.

Please contact me privately for additional information.

Ross Hartford
Cothern Computer Systems, Inc.
3760 I-55 North, Suite 200
Jackson, MS 39211
Phone: (601) 718-080.
Support: (888) 222-5577
Fax: (601) 969-1184

Email: mailto:rossh@ccslink.com
Website: http://www.ccslink.com
- -----Original Message-----

From: owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com [mailto:owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com]On
Behalf Of Ian Bunn
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 6:21 AM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: Call Path/400

Hi there folks,

Does anybody know of stats relating to Call Path/400.  We're thinking of
using it in V2 of C-Serv/400.  IBM as usual are keeping tight lipped over
this kind of information (unless you pay them a sizeable amount of money
and/or loose significant control of your company).

Much appreciated

Ian Bunn
Serve your customers right - C-Serv/400

| This is the RPG/400 Mailing List!
| To submit a new message, send your mail to RPG400-L@midrange.com.
| To subscribe to this list send email to RPG400-L-SUB@midrange.com.
| To unsubscribe from this list send email to RPG400-L-UNSUB@midrange.com.
| Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator:

| This is the RPG/400 Mailing List!
| To submit a new message, send your mail to RPG400-L@midrange.com.
| To subscribe to this list send email to RPG400-L-SUB@midrange.com.
| To unsubscribe from this list send email to RPG400-L-UNSUB@midrange.com.
| Questions should be directed to the list owner/operator:


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 13:37:54 -0500
From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
Subject: Re: Call Path/400

I tend to agree.  I thought he was just answering a question, although he
of gone a little overboard on the advertisement (maybe just a: Our company
that, go to this url would of been better).

I don't think he was totally out of line though.


Jim Langston

eric.delong@pmsi-services.com wrote:
>      Whoa, did I miss something? While I realize that the original query
>      was asking for the status of CallPath/400, I'm not sure that Ross
>      was too far out of line by plugging his product. My flagging memory
>      seems to recall that the CallPath/400 product was being dropped,
>      and if such were the case, alternative products would be the only
>      recourse.
>      Perhaps Ross should have waited til the subject of alternatives
>      came up. I don't know.....
>      eric.delong@pmsi-services.com
> ______________________________ Reply Separator
> Subject: RE: Call Path/400
> Author:  <RPG400-L@midrange.com> at INET_WACO
> Date:    10/2/00 1:10 PM
> Ross,
> This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM. Thanks to your
> posting, if I needed an application like the one offered by your company
> would not even consider doing business with them.
> Doug Cosgrove


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 14:44:32 -0400
From: John Hall <jhall@hillmgt.com>
Subject: Re: Call Path/400

couple of points

1) I see no problem with this reply.

2) David is the final arbitrator as to what is and is not acceptable and
he will and does deal with offenders.

3) Now you and I have wasted more time & bytes than the original poster.

4) Have a nice Day!!!  :)


Doug Cosgrove wrote:
> Ross,
> This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM. Thanks to your
> posting, if I needed an application like the one offered by your company
> would not even consider doing business with them.
> Doug Cosgrove


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 14:48:29 -0400
From: "Todd kidwell" <Todd.kidwell@3cc.co.wayne.mi.us>
Subject: Re: Re[2]: Call Path/400

When I first read Ross' reply, I thought he was making a "shameless plug".
But, after re-reading the original post (which he included with his reply),
it seemed like an appropriate response.

Todd Kidwell (Netstar)
AS/400 System Administrator
(313) 224-0578

>>> snip  from note by <eric.delong@pmsi-services.com> >>>

     Whoa, did I miss something? While I realize that the original query
     was asking for the status of CallPath/400, I'm not sure that Ross
     was too far out of line by plugging his product. My flagging memory
     seems to recall that the CallPath/400 product was being dropped,
     and if such were the case, alternative products would be the only

     Perhaps Ross should have waited til the subject of alternatives
     came up. I don't know.....

>>> end snip  >>>

>>> snip from note by <DCosgrove@entnet.org> >>>

This is an informational list NOT A MARKETING FORUM.

>>> end snip  >>>


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 14:45:37 -0500
From: "Ross Hartford" <rossh@ccslink.com>
Subject: RE: Call Path/400

I hate to have caused such a controversy over my reply.

I didn't state it very well, the product that we sell is a CallPath
implementation tool.  CallPath on the AS/400 is alive and well, although in
a different form than it has been for the past several years.  Our product
lives and dies by CallPath.....  Please contact me privately at
mailto:rossh@ccslink.com for additional conversation.


- -----Original Message-----
From: owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com [mailto:owner-rpg400-l@midrange.com]On
Behalf Of rob@dekko.com
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 1:28 PM
To: RPG400-L@midrange.com
Subject: RE: Call Path/400

He replied to an earlier email.  I guess I don't have too much a problem
with that.  I don't believe the earlier email was staged, just to allow him
an opening.  We have numerous vendors who reply.  Granted it would have
been better if he replied with the current status of Call Path, and then
disclosed that he markets an alternative product.  But maybe he didn't
reply on the status of Call Path because he didn't want to say anything
negative ;-)


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 17:10:06 EDT
From: Kmh0421@aol.com
Subject: Re: sys 36 internal display file

Hello, and TIA for any help I get. I am modifying some old Sys 36 WSU
I had to internally define the display file (per the client request,
long conversation) and let's just say per the client, it must be done this
way. Anyway, I have 3 screens on the input specs and output specs. I have
indicators on the output specs for the correct screen to display. Screen
display fine for the user to enter a batch number and proceed to display
Display 2 comes up fine, but when I enter data and press enter, the screen
cleared and redisplayed blank with errors. Since this must all stay in 36
mode, an EXCPT is required for the output spec (SCRN1,2,3 etc), and a READ
the screen format DE123SFM. Any ideas on why the screen is being cleared? I
took out the #of lines to clear in the 'S' sequence of the S&D specs just
yuks and it didn't help. I tried using indicators on the various screen
specs with the same result. I am puzzled. There is obviously something I am
missing..... can you help?


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 17:01:05 -0500
From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
Subject: Writer Status API


I'm designing a screen for my remote offices that show the status of their
active, stopped, writing, etc...

At first I was going to use the QSPEXTWI API but it seemed to me that would
be more suited
to a trigger program or such.  So now I'm looking at the QSPRWTRI API
(Retrieve Writer Information).
Is this the correct API I should be using?


Jim Langston


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 15:36:12 -0700
From: Chris Bipes <chris.bipes@cross-check.com>
Subject: RE: sys 36 internal display file

I might be able to help.  I have been re-writing S36 &*() to RPGIV.  Send
the source for the display and RPG and I will take a look.  You may send as
TXT file attachments directly to my e-mail below.

One of the first thing to look for is the RPG cycle being used for the
input/output?  Also you must have the proper output indicators set prior to
the EXCPT.

Christopher K. Bipes     mailto:ChrisB@Cross-Check.com
Sr. Programmer/Analyst   mailto:Chris_Bipes@Yahoo.com
CrossCheck, Inc.         http://www.cross-check.com
6119 State Farm Drive    Phone: 707 586-0551 x 1102
Rohnert Park CA  94928   Fax: 707 586-1884

If consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, only geniuses work here.
Karen Herbelin - Readers Digest 3/2000

- -----Original Message-----
From: Kmh0421@aol.com [mailto:Kmh0421@aol.com]
Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 2:10 PM
To: RPG400-L@midrange.com
Subject: Re: sys 36 internal display file

Hello, and TIA for any help I get. I am modifying some old Sys 36 WSU

I had to internally define the display file (per the client request,

long conversation) and let's just say per the client, it must be done this
way. Anyway, I have 3 screens on the input specs and output specs. I have
indicators on the output specs for the correct screen to display. Screen

display fine for the user to enter a batch number and proceed to display
Display 2 comes up fine, but when I enter data and press enter, the screen
cleared and redisplayed blank with errors. Since this must all stay in 36
mode, an EXCPT is required for the output spec (SCRN1,2,3 etc), and a READ
the screen format DE123SFM. Any ideas on why the screen is being cleared? I
took out the #of lines to clear in the 'S' sequence of the S&D specs just
yuks and it didn't help. I tried using indicators on the various screen
specs with the same result. I am puzzled. There is obviously something I am
missing..... can you help?


Date: Mon, 02 Oct 2000 17:37:48 -0500
From: Jim Langston <jimlangston@conexfreight.com>
Subject: QSYSINC not in V3R7M0 what to do?

I'm attempting to write an API interface for the QSPRWTRI API.  So far I
have coded the
parameter specs, but then I get to the Error Code which is a pointer
character to an error
structure.  Reading the manual on the API points me to "Error Code
Parameter" in the System
API Reference.  Going there, there are 2 possible structures that can be
returned, and to
make it even more fun, yet another character pointer the the Exception data
is used.

One of the possible error returns is 17 bytes long, the other is 36 bytes
long (I believe,
if a pointer character is 4 bytes long).  To make things easy, IBM provides
a /COPY member
QUSEC in QRPGLESRC in QSYSINC which, of course, does not come with V3R7M0.

If possible I would like to get a copy of this structure without violating
IBM's copyright
on the source code.  Barbara, Hans, any solutions?  Or am I just going to
have to write it
from scratch?


Jim Langston


Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 23:48:37 +0100
From: "Silvio Santos" <Silvio.Santos@brainag.com>
Subject: Multi subfiles example

Does anybody have an example of multi subfiles (views that toggle with a
function key)
 that can share (RPG/400 please) ?

Thanks in advance,
                   (o o)
- -----------------------oOO--(_)--OOo------------------------
Silvio Santos                                BRAIN Portugal
Tel:    +351 252 248-120             Av. Joao Canavarro, 305
Fax:    +351 252 248-111            4480-668 Vila do Conde
Email: silvio.santos@brainag.com
Web-Page: www.brainag.com
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 07:47:04 +0100
From: Martin Rowe <martin@dbg400.net>
Subject: Re: Multi subfiles example

On Mon, 02 Oct 2000, you wrote:
> Does anybody have an example of multi subfiles (views that toggle with a
> function key)
>  that can share (RPG/400 please) ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Silvio.

Hi Silvio

Some of the tools on my site do that sort of thing. EMS (a simple
messaging utility) has a number of subfiles, two of which appear at the
same time - uses cursor postion to determine which one to roll etc.
Another, WRKUSROUTQ (WRKSPLF/WRKOUTQ hybrid), has subfiles that switch
view by command key. The latter is RPGIV, but not ILE, and the techniques
are the same in both flavours. Follow the first link in the Extras
section on the main page. I'll have a look at work today, and see if I
can find any more suitable RPG/400 examples that I can upload for you to

Regards, Martin
- --
martin@dbg400.net / jamaro@firstlinux.net
http://www.dbg400.net DBG/400 - DataBase Generation utilities
Free test environment tools for the AS/400 and misc other stuff


Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 08:07:46 +0100
From: "Ian Bunn" <ian.bunn@progeny400.com>
Subject: Re: Multi subfiles example

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

- ------=_NextPart_000_0051_01C02D11.03802E80
Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


We use subfiles in this way.  However, when you switch views, will your =
program keep the key record on the same displayed screen.  Do you have a =
preference for subfile size=3Dsubfile page or subfile size=3Dsubfile =


Ian Bunn
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Silvio Santos=20
  To: rpg400-l@midrange.com=20
  Sent: 02 October 2000 23:48
  Subject: Multi subfiles example

  Does anybody have an example of multi subfiles (views that toggle with =
  function key)
   that can share (RPG/400 please) ?

  Thanks in advance,
                     (o o)
  Silvio Santos                                BRAIN Portugal
  Tel:    +351 252 248-120             Av. Joao Canavarro, 305
  Fax:    +351 252 248-111            4480-668 Vila do Conde
  Email: silvio.santos@brainag.com
  Web-Page: www.brainag.com

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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Century Gothic" size=3D2>Silvio,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Century Gothic" size=3D2>We use subfiles in this =
However, when you switch views, will your program keep the key record on =
same displayed screen.&nbsp; Do you have a preference for subfile =
page or subfile size=3Dsubfile page+1.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Century Gothic" size=3D2>Regards</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Century Gothic" size=3D2>Ian Bunn</FONT></DIV>
style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A href=3D"mailto:Silvio.Santos@brainag.com"=20
  title=3DSilvio.Santos@brainag.com>Silvio Santos</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A=20
  title=3Drpg400-l@midrange.com>rpg400-l@midrange.com</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> 02 October 2000 =
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Multi subfiles =
  <DIV><BR></DIV><BR><BR>Does anybody have an example of multi subfiles =
  that toggle with a<BR>function key)<BR>&nbsp;that can share (RPG/400 =
  ?<BR><BR>Thanks in=20
  BRAIN Portugal<BR>Tel:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; +351 252=20
  Av. Joao Canavarro, 305<BR>Fax:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; +351 252=20
  4480-668 Vila do=20
  Portugal<BR>Email: <A=20
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  This is the RPG/400 Mailing List!<BR>| To submit a new message, send =
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End of RPG400-L Digest V2 #346

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