• Subject: RE: Future RPG IV enhancements, you have been selected to vote
  • From: "Barnes, Edward V. (RPW)" <EVBarnes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 13:41:01 -0600

-----Original Message-----
From: boldt@ca.ibm.com [mailto:boldt@ca.ibm.com]
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 9:24 AM
To: RPG400-L@midrange.com
Subject: Future RPG IV enhancements, you have been selected to vote

Here's the event you've all been waiting for!

Just cut and paste the completed ballot and mail it to George.

Cheers!  And Happy Holidays!

Hans Boldt, ILE RPG Development, IBM Toronto Lab, boldt@ca.ibm.com

---------------------- Forwarded by Hans Boldt/Toronto/IBM on 12/22/2000
12:21 PM ---------------------------

George Farr
12/22/2000 11:27 AM

To:   RPGCustomers
From: George Farr/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Subject:  Future RPG IV enhancements, you have been selected to vote

Good day.
As usual, myself and the whole RPG IV development team would like to have
your input
on future RPG IV enhancements. This is your chance to influence what goes
in a future release
of the RPG IV language.


Same rules apply as before, you have $100 to spend.  Fill your election
ballot with up to $100 worth
of the following proposed enhancements.  Be careful not to spend more
than $100.  If you do, your votes will not be counted.
Also, we gurantee no recounting!@#$

Vote by marking an 'X' between the square brackets [ ] at the beginning of
each selected item in the ballot.  More detailed descriptions of each
item follow the ballot.

Please return your completed ballot to farr@ca.ibm.com

We welcome any additional comments or any enhancements you think should be

I am asking my RPG technical leads: Hans and Barbara to post this note on
forums and newsgroups as well.

Please note, this is just to prioritize our line items for the next release
(after V5R1).

Thanks in advance and happy holidays.
Mark an X for the items you want totaling no more than $100.

e-mail the completed ballot to farr@ca.ibm.com.

[X] Num Cost  Summary
--- --- ----  -------
[ ]   1   $4  H-spec keyword EXTDEFS - internal format of ext fields.
[ ]   2   $6  %INT, %UNS, %FLOAT, and %DEC convert character to numeric.
[ ]   3  $12  RANGE and VALUES keywords.
[ ]   4   $8  Built-in functions for bitwise operations in expressions.
[ ]   5   $6  SORTA arr1 {: arr2 ...} WITH key_arr1 {: key_arr2 ...}
[ ]   6   $2  Extender on SORTA to reverse the order of sorting.
[ ]   7   $2  DEBUG(*RETVAL) to allow debugging of procedure return values
[ ]   8   $4  EXTNAME to indicate types of fields to extract for EDS.
[ ]   9   $8  Keyed I/O enhancements: %KLIST, %KDS.
[ ]  10   $4  OPTIONS(*VARTYPE) to bypass type match of procedures parms.
[x]  11   $4  New BIFs %TESTD, %TESTT, and %TESTZ.
[ ]  12  $20  Allow dynamic resizing of arrays and multi-occurrence DS.
[ ]  13   $2  Format change on a LIKE define for numerics.
[ ]  14   $4  New keyword, RECPREFIX, to prefix record-format names.
[ ]  15   $4  DIM(*FIT) with overlay field.
[x]  16  $20  Multiple-dimension arrays in expressions.
[ ]  17   $8  SPECIAL files to handle all I/O opcodes, including keyed ops
[ ]  18   $8  List of fields to update specified on opcode UPDATE.
[x]  19   $4  Keyword DTAARAVAR to specify field to hold DTAARA name.
[ ]  20   $2  %OFFSET builtin function returns offset of subfield.
[ ]  21  $10  Short form assignment operators += -= *= /= **=
[x]  22  $10  Multiple array element initialization.
[ ]  23   $2  Allow DS name on I/O operations to externally desc files.
[ ]  24   $4  Keyword EXTDESC to identify name of external description.
[x]  25  $10  Dynamic specification of basing variable, ie "p->var".
[ ]  26  $20  Keyword DIM allowed on data structure.
[x]  27  $20  Keyword LIKEDS allowed for data structure subfield.
[ ]  28   $8  Option *ZEROFILL on %EDITC to include leading zeros.
[ ]  29   $8  Option to edit negative numbers using parentheses.
[ ]  30   $4  ALIAS name support for externally described data structures.
[x]  31  $20  Stream file I/O for IFS files.
[x]  32   $2  Second parameter on %TRIMx - char to trim.
[ ]  33   $6  Built-in function %COND(condition:truevalue:falsevalue).
[x]  34  $10  File device types for I/O to data queues and sockets.
[ ]  35  $30  Allow expressions as parameters to keywords.
[ ]  36  $30  Full null field support.

End of ballot

Detailed Descriptions
#1    $4   H-spec keyword EXTDEFS to indicate that the internal format
           of a field should be the same as the external format.  This
           would mean that all external formats for fields must be
           the same.  (This would be a problem for programs that have
           a field defined as packed in the database but zoned in the
           display file.  Alternatives: 1) error if conflicting
           definitions, 2) first definition takes precedence)
#2    $6   %INT, %UNS, %FLOAT, and %DEC can take character strings as
           arguments.  If the string contains a valid representation
           of a number, the numeric value would be returned.  If the
           string argument is not a valid number, an exception would
           be issued.  Non-exception statuses could indicate other
           errors, such as excess non-digit characters in string.
#3   $12   Allow specification of the values allowed for a field with
           D spec keywords RANGE and VALUES.

             D temperature     S          10i 0   range(-60: 120)
             D command         S           3a     values('ADD': 'DEL')

           If a value is assigned that is not correct, an exception
           would be given.  The TEST operation (and possibly a %TEST
           built-in function would be allowed for the field.  If the
           field is used, and it has an incorrect value, an exception
           would be issued.
#4    $8   Built-in functions for bitwise operations in expressions.
           Allows integer/unsigned OR character operands

                %bitand(x : y {:z ...} )
                %bitor(x : y {:z ...} )
                %bitxor(x : y {:z ...} )

           Example: x = x'01A5' = B'0000 0001 1010 0101'
                    y = x'11B3' = B'0001 0001 1011 0011'

             %bitand(x:y) = x'01A1' = B'0000 0001 1010 0001'
             %bitor(x:y)  = x'11B7' = B'0001 0001 1011 0111'
             %bitxor(x:y) = x'1016' = B'0001 0000 0001 0110'
             %bitnot(y)   = x'EE4C' = B'1110 1110 0100 1100'

           Decimal numerics are converted to integer form.  Float not
           allowed.  Rules for unequal-length operands:  left-padded
           with x'00' for numerics, right-padded with x'00' for
#5    $6   SORTA arr1 {: arr2 ...} WITH key_arr1 {: key_arr2 ...}
           All the arrays including key_arrays are sorted, but the
           sort sequence is determined by the key arrays.  (For identical
           key values in key_arr1, values in subsequent key arrays are
#6    $2   Extender on SORTA to specify the order of sorting.
           SORTA(A) for ascending, SORTA(D) for descending.  This would
           normally be used for non-sequenced arrays.  (If a sequence is
           specified on the array definition, this extender must match
           if specified.)
#7    $2   Option DEBUG(*RETVAL) to allow debugging of procedure return
               EVAL _QRNU_RET_procname
#8    $4   EXTNAME to indicate what types of fields to extract for
           externally described data structures:
           where what can be *ALL, *INPUT, *OUTPUT, INPUTONLY,
           *OUTPUTONLY, *KEY
#9   $12   Keyed I/O enhancements:

           Allow a list of key values with the keyed I/O opcodes.
           For example:

               chain %KLIST(StoreNum: Date - %months(1): Salesman)

           Each search argument must match the type of the corresponding
           key in the database file.  A search argument may be any
           valid expression and doesn't have to match the length of the
           key.  (Character search arguments are truncated or padded
           with blanks, etc.)

           Allow a data structure name to be specified as the search
           argument on the keyed I/O operations.
           For example:

               chain %KDS(KeyDataStruct:2) OrderFile;

           Each subfield in the DS must match the type of the
           corresponding key in the database file.  2nd argument to
           %KDS specifies number of subfields to use (defaults to all
#10   $4   OPTIONS(*VARTYPE) on a parameter definition for reference
           parameters to bypass type checking for the parm.  A pointer
           parm would be coded in the PI for that parameter.  It would be
           the responsibility of the programmer to access the data using
           based variables of the expected types.
#11   $4   New BIFs %TESTD, %TESTT, and %TESTZ to check if a particular
           string is a valid date, time, or timestamp value.  The 1st
           argument is the string to check; the 2nd is a format.  This
           can also be used to check if a date can be converted without
           error to a different format.

           New BIF %TEST to check if a particular variable has a value
           that's consistent with the variables definition.  For example,
           to check if a zoned decimal variable has proper numeric data.
#12  $20   Allow dynamic resizing of arrays and multi-occurrence data
           This would mean that SORTA, LOOKUP and range-checking would use
           the new size.  For based arrays, the programmer would be
           responsible for storage management.  For non-based arrays, the
           compiler would handle it.  Array/mods is prefixed in storage
           by current number of elements.

           Example of extending sizes of arrays:

           D mods         DS                  OCCURS(10:*VAR)
           D array        S            10A    DIM(100:*VAR)
           D basedarr     S             1A    BASED(P) DIM(32767:*VAR)
                %ELEM(array) = new_size;
                %OCCURS(mods) = new_size;

                // Example of accessing based varying-sized array:
                   // Try to assign to i'th element of array
                   basedarr(i) = 'x';
                on-error 121;     // Array index out of range
                   // If we don't have storage yet for i'th element,
                   // reallocate storage for array:
                   p = %realloc(p: i * %size(basedarr));
                   %elem(basedarr) = i;
                   basedarr(i) = 'x';
#13   $2   Format change on a LIKE define for numerics.  For example:

              D fld1            s        5s 0
              D fld2            s         p      like(fld1)
              D fld3            s        5a
              D fld4            s         p 3    like(fld3)
#14   $4   New keyword, RECPREFIX, to prefix record-format names to
           save having to do all the renames.
#15   $4   DIM(*FIT) with overlay field.  Number of dimensions is
           computed based on what will fit into the overlayed field.
           (Valid only if the array fits exactly.)
#16  $20   Multiple-dimension arrays.  Cost includes only support in
           free-form calcs and Extended-Factor-2 opcodes.
#17   $8   Extend special-file support by allowing F-spec keyword SPECIAL
           for all device types.  For example:

           FkeyedFile if   e           k disk    SPECIAL('MYLIB/MYDRIVER')
           C     key        chain    keyedFile
#18   $8   List of fields to update specified on opcode UPDATE.
                update OrderFile %FIELDS(Quantity:SalesmanId);
#19   $4   New keyword DTAARAVAR to specify variable name to hold name of
           data area.  The name can be library-qualified.
              D daname      S         21A    INZ('LIB/AREA')
              D area        DS               DTAARAVAR(daname)
              D area2       DS               DTAARAVAR('RESULT')
#20   $2   %OFFSET builtin function returns offset of subfield from
           beginning of an overlaid-on subfield (or the DS)
           %OFFSET(fld {: containing_subfield}) where 2nd subf defaults
           to DS.
#21  $10   Short form assignment operators "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "**=":
               str += 'text';     // append 'text' to str
               date += %days(7);  // add 7 days to date
               num -= 17;         // decrement num by 17
               num *= 2;          // multiply num by 2
               array(findStart(array:start)+offset) += 1;

           In the last example, the array index is computed only once.
#22  $10   Multiple array element initialization:

           D ARRAY         S           10i 0   dim(5)
#23   $2   Allow data structure name on I/O operations to externally
           described files.  Record is read into the specified
           data structure.  (Now currently allowed only for program
           described files.)
#24   $4   Keyword EXTDESC to identify name of externally described
           file that contains file description to be used at compile
#25  $10   Dynamic specification of basing variable:

           D basedchar     s                  1A   based
           D p             s                   *
                   p->basedchar = '1';
                   (pa(12)+offset)->basedchar = '2';

           Pointer notation required for based vars without basing ptr.
           Basing pointer can be any pointer valued expression.
#26  $20   Keyword DIM allowed on data structure.  Like multiple-
           occurrence data structure, but data structure can be
           indexed like an array:

           D parts         ds                        dim(10)
           D                                         qualified
           D   descr                          20A
           D   quantity                       10I 0
           D   discounts                      10I 0  dim(5)
                 if parts(i).descr = parts(j).descr;
                    dsply 'identical parts';
                    d = parts(i).discounts(level);

           (This can provide 2-dimension array functionality.)
#27  $20   Keyword LIKEDS allowed for data structure subfield.  Allowed
           only for QUALIFIED data structures.  Subfields are accessed
           by dot notation:  DS.SUBF1.SUBF1A
#28   $8   Option *ZEROFILL on %EDITC to include leading zeros in
           edited value.
                 num = -1234.56;    // packed(15,2)
                 %editc(num:'A':*ZEROFILL);  // "0,000,000,001,234.56CR"
                 %editc(num:'P':*ZEROFILL);  // "-0000000001234.56"
#29   $8   Option to edit negative numbers using parentheses.  Option
           *PARENS allowed for edit codes 1-4.  For example:

           num1 = 1234.56;     // packed(15,2)
           num2 = -1234.56;    // packed(15,2)
           %editc(num1:'1':*PARENS); // returns "             1,234.56 "
           %editc(num1:'4':*PARENS); // returns "(        1234.56)"
#30   $4   ALIAS name support for data structures.  Alias name is used
           instead of regular name for subfields of externally
           described data structures.
             D struct    E DS                 EXTNAME(file:rec:*ALIAS)
#31  $20   Stream file I/O for IFS files.
#32   $2   Optional second parameter on %TRIM, %TRIML, and %TRIMR to
           identify character to trim off of the string.
#33   $6   Built-in function %COND(condition:truevalue:falsevalue).
           This BIF evaluates the condition.  If the condition
           evaluates to *ON, the "truevalue" is evaluated and returned.
           Otherwise, the "falsevalue" is evaluated and returned.
           The true and false values must both be the same type.
           For example:

           eval   n = (y = 0 : 0 : x / y)
#34  $10   File device type DATAQ for reading from and writing to data
           queues.  Would allow same opcodes as for sequential or keyed
           disk files.  File device type SOCKET for sequential reading
           from and writing to sockets.
#35  $30   Allow any arbitrary expression as parameter to any H-Spec,
           F-Spec, or D-Spec keyword, provided the expression has a value
           computable at compile-time.  For example:

           D const        C                    17
           D array1       S               1A   DIM(const+34)
           D array2       S               1A   DIM(%ELEMS(array1)*2)
#36  $30   Full null field support.  Fields can be declared as null-
           capable within D-Specs.

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