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I’m using a timestamp (type “Z”) field with INZ(*SYS) to stamp added

Somewhere in the program (my debug Watch says it happens when I CHECKR on a
completely different field) the timestamp becomes garbage and ends up
looking like this: ’01-10-  23-’ instead of

This is a production program and I’m pretty sure I’m NOT using pointers.
And I’m having the same problem with a couple of other similar programs;
this is the first time they’ve run on my V5R1 box.  I’d attach a snapshot of
the DEBUG but it will get dropped…

Has anybody else experienced this problem?


     H/copy qrpgclesrc,xxr000
     Fxclsxport ip   e             disk
     Fqprint    o    f  132        printer
     Faap002    uf   e           k disk
     Fnul00502  uf a e           k disk
     Farp001    uf a e           k disk
     Fncp001    if a e           k disk
     Fncl00201  if a e           k disk
     Farl00203  if a e           k disk
     Fncp004    if a e           k disk
     D $acct           s              7  0 inz(44770)
     D $uc             c
     D $lc             c
     D $new            s               n
     D @nodups         s              1
     D @return         s              2
     D/copy qrpgclesrc,xxr001

//start of /COPY (included for clarity)
     D                sds
     D  @@pgm                  1     10
     D  @@sc                  11     15  0
     D  @@psts                16     20  0
     D  @@sn                  21     28
     D  @@rout                29     36
     D  @@prms                37     39  0
     D  @@em                  40     46
     D  @@inst                47     50
     D  @@msgw                51     80
     D  @@plib                81     90
     D  @@emsg                91    170
     D  @@excp               171    174
     D  @@file               201    208
     D  @@fsd                209    243
     D  @@job                244    253
     D  @@user               254    263
     D  @@jobn               264    269
     D  @@date               276    281  0
     D  @@time               282    287  0
     D  @@cdat               288    293  0
     D  @@ctim               294    299  0

     D $off            c                   const('0')
     D $false          c                   const('0')
     D $on             c                   const('1')
     D $true           c                   const('1')
     D $nrf            c                   const('1')

     D$$               ds
     D $$city                        20    inz
     D $$cty                         15    inz
     D $$ctry                         2    inz
     D $$cust                         7    inz
     D $$date                         7p 0 inz(0)
     D $$emp                          7p 0 inz(0)
     D $$mseq                         9p 0 inz(0)
     D $$ordr                         7p 0 inz(0)
     D $$oseq                         9p 0 inz(0)
     D $$pnam                         7    inz(' ')
     D $$pro                         11p 0 inz(0)
     D $$quotation                   10a   inz(' ')
     D $$reg                          2    inz
     D $$ro                           7p 0 inz(0)
     D $$routing                     10a   inz(' ')
     D $$scac                         6    inz
     D $$segment                     10a   inz(' ')
     D $$st                           2    inz
     D $$tid                          5    inz
     D $$trip                         7p 0 inz(0)
     D $$unit                        15    inz
     D $$zip                          6    inz
     D $$zone                         3    inz

     D $errormsgid     s              7
     D $partycode      s              2
     D $retcd          s              2

     D $iso_date       s               d   inz(*loval)
     D $iso_time       s               t   inz(*loval)
     D $null_date      s               d   inz(*loval)
     D $null_time      s               d   inz(*loval)
     D $iso_cur_date   s               d   inz(*sys)
     D $iso_cur_time   s               t   inz(*sys)
     D $timestamp      s               z   inz(*sys)
//End of /COPY (included for clarity)

     D/copy qrpgplesrc,aar404pr
     D/copy qrpgplesrc,nur905pr
     D/copy qrpgplesrc,zzr030pr

     I                                          $company04    l1
     I                                          $address05    l1
     I                                          $city06       l1

     C*    $used02       cabeq     *blanks       tag999
     C     $company04    cabeq     *blanks       tag999
     C     $ramp22       cabeq     *blanks       tag999

     C                   eval      nmcust Ð*blanks
     C                   eval      $new   Ð*on
     C                   clear                   cmrec

     C*                  if        $dicode21 > *blanks
Check for short name
     C*                  eval      nmname Ð'V-' + $dicode21
     C*    nmname        chain     arl00203
     C*                  if        %found
     C*                  eval      $new   Ð*off
     C*                  eval      cmcust Ðnmcust
     C*                  endif
     C*                  endif

     C*                  if        $delcode23 > *blanks and cmcust Ð*blanks
Check for short name
     C*                  eval      nmname Ð'V-' + $delcode23
     C*    nmname        chain     arl00203
     C*                  if        %found
     C*                  eval      $new   Ð*off
     C*                  eval      cmcust Ðnmcust
     C*                  endif
     C*                  endif

     C                   eval      nmname Ð'V-' + $company04
     C     nmname        chain     arl00203
     C                   if        %found(arl00203)
     C                   eval      $new   Ð*off
     C                   eval      cmcust Ðnmcust
     C                   endif

     C     cmcust        chain     arp001

     C                   if        $company04 < 'A'
     C                   eval      $company04 Ð%triml($company04)
     C                   endif
     C                   eval      cmname Ð$company04
     C                   eval      cmabbr Ð$company04
     C     $lc:$uc       xlate     $address05    cmadr1
     C                   eval      cmcity Ð$city06
     C                   eval      cmst   Ð$stpr07
     C                   exsr      subr01

     C                   eval      cmscac Ð%subst(cmname:1:6)

     C                   select
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'CN'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'CNRR99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'CITY CARTAGE'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'CITY'
     C                   when      %subst($company04:1:4) Ð'CMX'
     C                   eval      $company04 Ð'CMX'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'CMX999'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'DDI TRANSPORTATION'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'DDI999'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'DISPATCH TRANSPORTATION
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'DISP99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'G.P.S.'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'GPS999'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'BERRY & SMITH'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'BERSM9'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'INTERMODAL WEST'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'IMW999'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'MORGAN SOUTHERN'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'MORS99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'TENNESSEE EXPRESS'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'TENN99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'GEMINI'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'GEMI99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'GREAT POINT INTERMODAL'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'GEMI99'
     C                   when      $company04 Ð'ARL INC'
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'ARL999'
     C                   when      cmname     Ð'SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MOTOR
     C                   eval      cmscac     Ð'SO CAL'
     C                   endsl

     C                   testn                   $cophon10            999999
     C   99              move      $cophon10     cmphon
     C                   testn                   $cofax14             999999
     C   99              move      $cofax14      cmfax
     C                   testn                   $diphon18            999999
     C   99              move      $diphon18     cmshpp
     C   99              move      $diphon18     cmrcvp
     C                   testn                   $difax20             999999
     C   99              move      $difax20      cmshpf
     C   99              move      $difax20      cmrcvf

     C                   eval      cmausr Ð$addby30
     C     *ymd/         move      $addon31      $iso_date
     C     *cymd         move      $iso_date     cmadat
     C                   eval      cmuusr Ð$chgby32
     C     *ymd/         move      $chgon32      $iso_date
     C     *cymd         move      $iso_date     cmudat

     C                   if        not %found(arp001)

     C                   eval      $$pnam Ð*blanks
     C                   callp     aar404($$pnam:
     C                                      cmcity:
     C                                      cmst:
     C                                      cmzip:
     C                                      cmcnty:
     C                                      cmctry:
     C                                      cmtid:
     C                                      $$zone:
     C                                      $$reg:
     C                                      'Y':
     C                                      @return)

     C                   if        $new
     C                   movel(p)  '$$LCN'       tbdkey
     C     tbdkey        chain     tbdrec                             99

     C                   add       1             tbdnd2
     C                   z-add     tbdnd2        wrk7n0            7 0
     C                   move      wrk7n0        cmcust
     C                   update    tbdrec
     C                   clear                   tbdrec
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      cmgrp Ð'*CLS'
     C                   eval      cmstat Ð'A'
     C                   eval      cmcls  Ð'V'
     C                   eval      cmsns  Ð1
     C                   eval      cmsnb  Ð1
     C                   eval      cmptyc Ð'C'
     C                   eval      cmctid Ð'GO'

     C                   eval      cmlang Ð'E'
     C                   eval      cmcur  Ð'US'

     C                   if        cmctry Ð'CA'
     C                   eval      cmcur  Ð'CA'
     C                   endif
     C                   if        cmctry Ð'ME'
     C                   eval      cmlang Ð'S'
     C                   endif
     C                   if        cmst   Ð'PQ' or cmst Ð'QC'
     C                   eval      cmlang Ð'F'
     C                   endif

     C                   write     cmrec

     C*                  if        $dicode21 > *blanks
     C*                  clear                   nmrec
     C*                  eval      nmcust Ðcmcust
     C*                  eval      nmname Ð$dicode21
     C*                  write     nmrec
     C*                  endif

     C*                  if        $delcode23 > *blanks and
     C*                            $delcode23 <> $dicode21
     C*                  clear                   nmrec
     C*                  eval      nmcust Ðcmcust
     C*                  eval      nmname Ð$delcode23
     C*                  write     nmrec
     C*                  endif

     C                   endif

     C                   if        not %found(arl00203)
     C                   eval      nmname Ð'V-' + $company04
     C                   eval      nmcust Ðcmcust
     C                   write     nmrec
     C                   endif

     C                   if        cmscac Ð'SO CAL'
     C                   eval      nmname Ð'V-' + 'SO CAL'
     C                   eval      nmcust Ðcmcust
     C                   write(e)  nmrec
     C                   endif

     C                   if        %found(arp001)
     C                   update    cmrec
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      nclacct Ðcmcust
     C     nclacct       chain     ncl00201
     C                   if        not %found(ncl00201)
     C                   eval      nclscac  Ðcmscac
     C     *ymd/         move      $addon31      $iso_date
     C                   move      $iso_date     nclats
     C                   move      $iso_date     ncleffdt
     C                   eval      nclauser Ð$addby30
     C                   eval      nclaws   Ð@@pgm
     C     *ymd/         move      $chgon32      $iso_date
     C                   move      $iso_date     nclcts
     C                   eval      nclcuser Ð$chgby32
     C                   eval      nclcws   Ð@@pgm
     C                   write     nclrec
     C                   endif

     C     $nu           klist
     C                   kfld                    nuncust
     C                   kfld                    nunjob
     C                   kfld                    nuniadt
     C                   kfld                    nunname

     C                   time                    $timestamp   //I added this
to make the program work

     C                   if        $coname09 > *blanks
     C                   eval      nuncust Ðcmcust
     C                   eval      nunjob  Ð*blanks
     C                   eval      nuniadt Ð*loval
     C                   eval      nunname Ð$coname09
     C     $nu           chain     nul00502

     C                   eval      nunnamef Ð$coname09
     C                   testn                   $cophon10            999999
     C   99              move      $cophon10     nunphone
     C                   testn                   $cofax14             999999
     C   99              move      $cofax14      nunfax

     C                   eval      nuncts   Ð$timestamp     //’Caus it used
to blow up here
     C                   eval      nuncuser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      nuncws   Ð@@pgm

     C                   if        not %found(nul00502)
     C                   callp     nur905(nunseq:$errormsgid)
     C                   eval      nunats   Ð$timestamp
     C                   eval      nunauser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      nunaws   Ð@@pgm
     C                   write     nunrec
     C                   endif
     C                   if        %found(nul00502)
     C                   update    nunrec
     C                   endif

     C                   endif

     C                   eval      nuncust Ðcmcust
     C                   eval      nunjob  Ð'DISPATCH'
     C                   eval      nuniadt Ð*loval
     C                   eval      nunname Ð*blanks
     C     $nu           chain     nul00502

     C                   eval      nunnamef Ð'Dispatch'
     C                   testn                   $diphon18            999999
     C   99              move      $diphon18     nunphone
     C                   testn                   $difax20             999999
     C   99              move      $difax20      nunfax

     C                   eval      nuncts   Ð$timestamp
     C                   eval      nuncuser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      nuncws   Ð@@pgm

     C                   if        not %found(nul00502)
     C                   callp     nur905(nunseq:$errormsgid)
     C                   eval      nunats   Ð$timestamp
     C                   eval      nunauser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      nunaws   Ð@@pgm
     C                   write     nunrec
     C                   endif
     C                   if        %found(nul00502)
     C                   update    nunrec
     C                   endif

     C                   if        $ramp22 <> *blanks
     C                   callp     zzr030($ramp22)
     C     ' '           checkr    $ramp22       j                 3 0

//Debug WATCH trapped a change to $TIMESTAMP here
     C                   if        %found
     C                   eval      ncpscac Ðcmscac
     C                   eval      ncpacct Ðcmcust
     C                   eval      ncpstpr Ð%subst($ramp22:j-1:2)
     C                   eval      ncpcity Ð%subst($ramp22:1:j-2)
     C                   eval      ncpsta  Ð%subst($ramp22:1:j-2)
     C     ' '           checkr    ncpcity       j
     C                   if        %found and %subst(ncpcity:j:1) Ð','
     C                   eval      ncpcity Ð%subst(ncpcity:1:j-1)
     C                   endif
     C     ' '           checkr    ncpsta        j
     C                   if        %found and %subst(ncpsta :j:1) Ð','
     C                   eval      ncpsta  Ð%subst(ncpsta :1:j-1)
     C                   endif

     C     $ncp          klist
     C                   kfld                    ncpscac
     C                   kfld                    ncpacct
     C                   kfld                    ncpctry
     C                   kfld                    ncpstpr
     C                   kfld                    ncpcty
     C                   kfld                    ncpcity
     C                   kfld                    ncpsta

     C                   time                    $timestamp  //I added this
to make the program work

     C     $ncp          chain     ncp004
     C                   if        not %found(ncp004)
     C                   eval      ncpats   Ð$timestamp
     C                   eval      ncpauser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      ncpaws   Ð@@pgm
     C                   eval      ncpcts   Ð$timestamp
     C                   eval      ncpcuser Ð@@user
     C                   eval      ncpcws   Ð@@pgm
     C                   write     ncprec
     C                   endif

     C                   endif
     C                   endif

     C     cmscac        cabeq     *blanks       tag999

     C     $nch          klist
     C                   kfld                    nchscac
     C                   kfld                    nchacct

     C                   clear                   nchrec

     C                   eval      nchscac  Ðcmscac
     C     nchscac       chain     ncp001

     C                   if        not %found(ncp001)

     C                   eval      nchacct  Ðcmcust
     C                   eval      nchstat  Ð'A'

     C     *ymd/         move      $addon31      $iso_date
     C                   move      $iso_date     nchcts
     C                   eval      nchcuser Ð$addby30
     C                   eval      nchcws   Ð@@pgm

     C     *ymd/         move      $chgon32      $iso_date
     C                   move      $iso_date     nchats
     C                   eval      nchauser Ð$chgby32
     C                   eval      nchaws   Ð@@pgm

     C                   write(e)  nchrec

     C                   endif

     C     tag999        tag

     C     subr01        begsr

     C                   eval      cmzip  Ð*blanks
     C                   eval      cmzip4 Ð*blanks

     C     $lc:$uc       xlate     $zip08        $zip08

     C                   select
     C                   when      %subst($zip08:6:1) Ð'-'
     C                   eval      cmzip  Ð%subst($zip08:1:5)
     C                   eval      cmzip4 Ð%subst($zip08:7:4)
     C                   when      %subst($zip08:4:1) Ð*blanks
     C                   eval      cmzip  Ð%subst($zip08:1:3) +
     C                                      %subst($zip08:5:3)
     C                   other
     C                   eval      cmzip Ð$zip08
     C                   endsl

     C                   endsr

     C     *inzsr        begsr

     C     $ncp02        klist
     C                   kfld                    ncpacct
     C                   kfld                    ncpsta

     C                   endsr
     Oqprint    e            exc001
     O                       cmcust
     O                       cmname              +1
     O                       cmcity              +1
     O                       cmst                +1
     O                       cmscac              +2
     O                       ncpsta              +2
     O               99                          +1 '**'
     D/copy qrpgplesrc,zzr030

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