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For some reason the attachment got stripped off.  Let's see if it goes this


ps - I've since taken Scott's suggestion to handle the return code on the
select() - unforunately to no affect.   Still looking at it....

 |  -----Original Message-----
 |  From:
 |  []
 |  Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 15:48
 |  To:
 |  Subject: RE: socket problem
 |  Did the code come through? I never saw it.
 |  Patrick Conner
 |  (828) 244-0822

     D* Definitions relating to the select() function.  Includes the typedef 
for fd_set and the macros
     D* needed to manipulate variables of type fd_set.
     D* fd_set is a minimum of 7 integers (up to 224 bits) for compatibility 
with previous releases.
     D* It may be larger, depending on the value of FD_SETSIZE.
     D*     #ifndef FD_SETSIZE
     D*        #define FD_SETSIZE    200           /* Maximum descriptors in 
set */
     D*     #endif
     D*     typedef struct fd_set{
     D*        unsigned int fdes[((FD_SETSIZE) <= 224) ? (7) :
     D*                          ((((FD_SETSIZE)-1)/(8*sizeof(int)))+1)];
     D*      } fd_set;
     D* This is the RPG equivalent for FDSET structure:
     D*FDSET           DS
     D* fdes                         10U 0 DIM(7)
     D* To use the procedures you will need to pass a pointer to a structure of 
this type.
     D* prototypes for RPG procedures duplicating fd_set C macros
     D FD_ZERO         PR
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
     D FD_SET          PR
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
     D FD_CLR          PR
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
     D FD_ISSET        PR             1
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
     D* define an fdset structure
     DFDSET            DS
     D fdes                          10U 0 DIM(7)
     DpFDSET           S               *   INZ(%addr(FDSET))
     D* prototypes for bit manipulation procedures.  these are used by the 
FD_SET macros
     D* ----
     D* logical NOT a byte
     D $NOT            PR             1
     D  byte                          1    value
     D* ----
     D* logical AND two bytes
     D $AND            PR             1
     D  byte1                         1    value
     D  byte2                         1    value
     D* ----
     D* logical OR two bytes
     D $OR             PR             1
     D  byte1                         1    value
     D  byte2                         1    value
     D* ----
     D* logical NOT a 4 byte binary fields
     D #NOT            PR            10U 0
     D  int                          10U 0 value
     D* ----
     D* logical AND two 4 byte binary fields
     D #AND            PR            10U 0
     D  int1                         10U 0 value
     D  int2                         10U 0 value
     D* ----
     D* logical OR two 4 byte binary fields
     D #OR             PR            10U 0
     D  int1                         10U 0 value
     D  int2                         10U 0 value
     D* ----
     D* Shift bits left 4 byte binary field
     D #ShiftLeft      PR            10U 0
     D  int                          10U 0 value
     D  NumBits2Shift                10U 0 value
     D* ----
     D* Shift bits right 4 byte binary field
     D #ShiftRight     PR            10U 0
     D  int                          10U 0 value
     D  NumBits2Shift                10U 0 value

     DMI_Time          PR                  ExtProc('mitime')
     D p_MI_TimeVal                    *   Value
     D MITimeValHours                10i 0 Value                                
     D MITimeValMins                 10i 0 Value                                
     D MITimeValSecs                 10i 0 Value                                
     D MITimeValHsec                 10i 0 Value                                
100's of a second
     D MI_TimeVal      S              8
     D p_MI_TimeVal    S               *
     D MITimeValHours  S             10i 0                                      
     D MITimeValMins   S             10i 0                                      
     D MITimeValSecs   S             10i 0                                      
     D MITimeValHsec   S             10i 0                                      
100's of a second
     D* Buffers for reading and writing to the socket
     D* ----
     D* Output buffer
     D BufferOut       S           1034A
     D pBufferOut      S               *   INZ(%ADDR(BufferOut))
     D BufferOutSz     S             10I 0 INZ(%Len(BufferOut))
     D* ----
     D* Input buffer
     D BufferIn        S           3072a
     D pBufferIn       S               *   INZ(%ADDR(BufferIn))
     D BufferInSz      S             10I 0 INZ(%Len(BufferIn))
     D* ----
     D* Work buffer
     D WorkBuffer      S           3072a
     D pWorkBuffer     S               *   INZ(%ADDR(WorkBuffer))
     D WorkBufferSz    S             10I 0 INZ(%Len(WorkBuffer))
     C* ----
     C* Retreive SMDR
     C                   DoW       0 = 0                                        
     C* -  Check for TCM Collector Start/Stop or ProgramEnd request
     C                   Eval      RC = ProgramControl
     C                   If        RC < 0                                       
end the pgm
     C                   Leave
     C                   EndIf
     C                   MOVEL     *ALLx'00'     GET10             8
     C                   EVAL      Get10 = x'534E523A31300D0A'                  
ascii: 'SNR:10' + CRLF
     C                   MOVEL     Get10         BufferOut
     C                   EVAL      RC  = Write( SdId
     C                                        : pBufferOut
     C                                        : 8
     C                                        )
     C* -  Read 'n' number of RECORDS from socket
     C                   Do        5
     C                   Eval      RC = ReadSocketRec( SdId                     
socket descriptor
     C                                               : pBufferIn                
point to BufferIn
     C                                               : 3000                     
max chars
     C                                               )
     C                   If        RC > 0
     C                   Leave
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo
     C                   If        RC = 0                                       
tried 5 times & still nothing
     C                   Leave
     C                   EndIf
     C* - translate to EBCDIC
     C                   CALL      'QDCXLATE'                           68
     C                   PARM      3000          DataLen
     C                   PARM                    BufferIn
     C                   PARM      'QTCPEBC'     XLateTable
     C                   PARM      'QUSRSYS'     XLateTblLib
     C* place a sentinal to mark the end of the received data
     C     X'0D0000'     SCAN      BufferIn      X                        99
     C   99              EVAL      %SUBST( BufferIn : X : 1) = '~'
     C  N99              MOVE      '~'           BufferIn
     C* - extract and process each record from the returned data - records are 
delimted by the tilde
     C                   Z-ADD     1             I                 5 0
     C                   DOW       I < 3000
     C     '~'           SCAN      BufferIn:I    Z                 5 0    99
     C  N99              LEAVE
     C                   EVAL      TDATA = %SUBST(BufferIn : I : Z - I)
     C                   IF        %SUBST(TDATA : 1 : 40) <= *BLANKS
     C                              OR
     C                             %SUBST(TDATA : 1 : 2) = 'OK'
     C                   EVAL      I = Z + 1
     C                   ITER
     C                   ENDIF
     C* - Write data to DATA QUEUE and 'PBXDUMP'
     C*     date/time stamp
     C                   TIME                    TIMESTAMP        12 0
     C                   MOVE      TIMESTAMP     TDATA           150
     C                   IF        TNDBOK = 'Y'
     C                   EVAL      pRIOFB = Rwrite( pFile
     C                                            : %addr(TDATA)
     C                                            : 150
     C                                            )
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        TNDQOK = 'Y'
     C                   MOVEL     TNDQNM        QNAME
     C                   MOVEL     TNDQLB        QLIB
     C                   Z-ADD     150           QLEN
     C                   CALL      'QSNDDTAQ'
     C                   PARM                    QNAME            10
     C                   PARM                    QLIB             10
     C                   PARM                    QLEN              5 0
     C                   PARM                    TDATA
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      I = Z + 1
     C                   ENDDO
     C                   EndDo                                                  

     PReadSocketRec    B

     D ReadSocketRec   Pr            10i 0
     D  SD                           10I 0 Value
     D  SockData@                      *   Value
     D  MaxDataLen                   10I 0 Value

     D ReadSocketRec   PI            10i 0
     D  SD                           10I 0 Value
     D  SockData@                      *   Value
     D  MaxDataLen                   10I 0 Value

     D DataLeft        S             10I 0

     D TotChars        S             10i 0 Inz(0)                               
# of chars received thus far
     D CharsRead       S             10I 0 Inz(0)                               
# of chars on this read()

     D RC              S             10I 0

     C* Clear buffers and initialize fields
     C                   Eval      WorkBuffer = *allx'00'
     C                   Eval      BufferIn  = *allx'00'
     C                   Eval      CharsRead = 0
     C                   Eval      TotChars = 0
     C                   Eval      DataLeft = MaxDataLen
     C* read until MaxDataLen chars have been received or end of record char 
     C                   DoW       TotChars < MaxDataLen
     C****               Eval      CharsRead = ReadSocket( SD                   
used for non blocking reads
     C****                                               : pWorkBuffer
     C****                                               : DataLeft
     C****                                               : 5
     C****                                               )
     C                   Z-ADD     3             TimeValSec
     C                   Z-ADD     *zeros        TimeValMsec
     C                   Do        5
     C                   CALLP     FD_ZERO(pFDSET)
     C                   CALLP     FD_SET(SD : pFDSET)
     C                   EVAL      RC  = Select( SD + 1
     C                                         : pFDSET                         
read set
     C                                         : *NULL                          
write set
     C                                         : *NULL                          
error set
     C                                         : %addr(TimeVal)
     C                                         )
     C                   EVAL      *IN99 = FD_ISSET(SD : pFDSET)
     C                   If        *IN99 = *ON
     C                   Eval      CharsRead = Read( SD                         
used for blocking reads
     C                                             : pWorkBuffer
     C                                             : DataLeft
     C                                             )
     C                   Leave
     C                   Else
     C                   Iter                                                   
timed out, retry
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo
     C                   If        CharsRead < 0
     C                   Eval      ErrNo@ = GetErrNo
     C                   Eval      ErrMsg@ = StrError(ErrNo)
     C                   leave
     C                   EndIf
     C*  move the data from the work buffer to the input buffer we're building
     C                   Eval      %Subst(BufferIn : TotChars + 1 : CharsRead)
     C                               =  %Subst(WorkBuffer : 1 : CharsRead)
     C*  Increase the number of bytes received thus far
     C                   Eval      TotChars = TotChars + CharsRead
     C*  Decrease the number of bytes needed to reach MaxDataLen
     C                   Eval      DataLeft = DataLeft - CharsRead
     C*  check if EOR has been read yet
     C     x'0D00'       SCAN      BufferIn                               99    
     remember: ASCII
     C   99              LEAVE
     C                   EndDo
     C                   Return    TotChars
     PReadSocketRec    E
     P FD_ZERO         B
     D* zero out an FDSET
     D                 PI
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
      * set all 0
      *   #define FD_ZERO(fds)  (memset(fds,0,sizeof(fd_set)))

     DFDSET            DS                  BASED(p_FDSET)
     D fdes                          10U 0 DIM(7)

     C                   Z-ADD     *ZEROS        FDES
     P FD_ZERO         E


     P FD_SET          B
     D* add an SD to an FDSET
     D                 PI
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
      * set bits
      *   #define FD_SET(fd, fds)  \
      *         ((fds)->fdes[(fd)/32] |= (1 << ((fd)%32)))

     D index           S             10U 0

     DFDSET            DS                  BASED(p_FDSET)
     D fdes                          10U 0 DIM(7)

     C                   EVAL      index = ( %DIV(FD : 32) + 1 )
     C                   EVAL      fdes(index)  =
     C                             #OR(
     C                                 fdes(index)      :
     C                                 #ShiftLeft(1 : %rem(FD : 32) )
     C                                )
     P FD_SET          E


     P FD_CLR          B
     D* clear an SD from an FDSET
     D                 PI
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
      * clear bits
      *    #define FD_CLR(fd, fds)   \
      *          ((fds)->fdes[(fd)/32] &= ~(1 << ((fd)%32)))

     D index           S             10U 0

     DFDSET            DS                  BASED(p_FDSET)
     D fdes                          10U 0 DIM(7)

     C                   EVAL      index = ( %DIV(FD : 32) + 1 )
     C                   EVAL      fdes( index )  =
     C                             #AND(
     C                                  fdes(index)  :
     C                                  #NOT(
     C                                       #ShiftLeft(1 : %rem(fd : 32) )
     C                                      )
     C                                 )
     P FD_CLR          E


     P FD_ISSET        B
     D* check if an SD is in an FDSET
     D                 PI             1
     D  FD                           10i 0
     D  p_FDSET                        *   value
      * check bits
      *    #define FD_ISSET(fd, fds)  \
      *          (((fds)->fdes[(fd)/32] & (1 << ((fd)%32)))? 1 : 0)

     D RETVAL          S              1
     D index           S             10U 0
     D integer         S             10U 0

     DFDSET            DS                  BASED(p_FDSET)
     D fdes                          10U 0 DIM(7)
     C                   EVAL      RETVAL = *OFF
     C                   EVAL      index = ( %DIV(FD : 32) + 1 )
     C                   EVAL      integer =
     C                             #AND(
     C                                  fdes( index )  :
     C                                  #ShiftLeft(1 : %rem(fd : 32) )
     C                                 )
     C                   IF        INTEGER > *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      RETVAL = *ON
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   RETURN    RETVAL
     P FD_ISSET        E

     P $AND            B
     D* bitwise AND two bytes
     D                 PI             1
     D byte_in1                       1    value
     D byte_in2                       1    value

     D ReturnValue     S              1
     C                   BitOn     x'FF'         ReturnValue
     C                   Eval      byte_in1 = $NOT(byte_in1)
     C                   Eval      byte_in2 = $NOT(byte_in2)
     C                   BitOff    byte_in1      ReturnValue
     C                   BitOff    byte_in2      ReturnValue
     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P $AND            E
     P $OR             B
     D* bitwise OR two bytes
     D                 PI             1
     D byte_in1                       1    value
     D byte_in2                       1    value

     D ReturnValue     S              1
     C                   BitOff    x'FF'         ReturnValue
     C                   BitOn     byte_in1      ReturnValue
     C                   BitOn     byte_in2      ReturnValue
     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P $OR             E
     P $NOT            B
     D* bitwise NOT a single byte
     D                 PI             1
     D byte_in                        1    value

     D ReturnValue     S              1
     C                   BitOn     x'FF'         ReturnValue
     C                   BitOff    byte_in       ReturnValue
     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P $NOT            E
     P #AND            B
     D* bitwise AND two integers
     D                 PI            10U 0
     D int_in1                       10U 0 value
     D int_in2                       10U 0 value

     D index           S             10U 0
     D                 DS
     D integer1                      10U 0
     D ar1                            1    Dim(4) overlay(integer1)
     D integer2                      10U 0
     D ar2                            1    Dim(4) overlay(integer2)
     D result                        10U 0
     D ar3                            1    Dim(4) overlay(result)

     D ReturnValue     S             10U 0
     C                   Eval      integer1 = int_in1
     C                   Eval      integer2 = int_in2

     C                   Do        4             INDEX
     C                   Eval      ar3(INDEX) = $AND(AR1(INDEX):AR2(INDEX))
     C                   EndDo

     C                   Eval      ReturnValue = result

     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P #AND            E
     P #OR             B
     D* bitwise OR two integers
     D                 PI            10U 0
     D int_in1                       10U 0 value
     D int_in2                       10U 0 value

     D index           S             10U 0
     D                 DS
     D integer1                      10U 0
     D ar1                            1    Dim(4) overlay(integer1)
     D integer2                      10U 0
     D ar2                            1    Dim(4) overlay(integer2)
     D result                        10U 0
     D ar3                            1    Dim(4) overlay(result)

     D ReturnValue     S             10U 0
     C                   Eval      integer1 = int_in1
     C                   Eval      integer2 = int_in2

     C                   Do        4             INDEX
     C                   Eval      ar3(INDEX) = $OR(AR1(INDEX):AR2(INDEX))
     C                   EndDo

     C                   Eval      ReturnValue = result

     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P #OR             E
     P #NOT            B
     D* bitwise NOT an integer
     D                 PI            10U 0
     D int_in1                       10U 0 value

     D index           S             10U 0
     D                 DS
     D integer1                      10U 0
     D ar1                            1    Dim(4) overlay(integer1)
     D result                        10U 0
     D ar2                            1    Dim(4) overlay(result)

     D ReturnValue     S             10U 0
     C                   Eval      integer1 = int_in1

     C                   Do        4             INDEX
     C                   Eval      ar2(INDEX) = $NOT(AR1(INDEX))
     C                   EndDo

     C                   Eval      ReturnValue = result

     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P #NOT            E

     P #ShiftLeft      B
     D* bitwise shift left
     D                 PI            10U 0
     D int_in                        10U 0 value
     D BitsToShift                   10U 0 value

     D index           S             10U 0
     D                 DS
     D result                        10U 0
     D ar1                            1    Dim(4) overlay(result)

     D ReturnValue     S             10U 0
     C                   Eval      result = int_in

     C                   Do        BitsToShift   INDEX
     C                   BitOff    '0'           ar1(1)
     C                   Eval      Result = Result * 2
     C                   EndDo

     C                   Eval      ReturnValue = result

     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P #ShiftLeft      E

     P #ShiftRight     B
     D* bitwise shift right
     D                 PI            10U 0
     D int_in                        10U 0 value
     D BitsToShift                   10U 0 value

     D index           S             10U 0
     D                 DS
     D result                        10U 0
     D ar1                            1    Dim(4) overlay(result)

     D ReturnValue     S             10U 0
     C                   Eval      result = int_in

     C                   Do        BitsToShift   INDEX
     C                   BitOff    '7'           ar1(4)
     C                   Eval      Result = Result / 2
     C                   EndDo

     C                   Eval      ReturnValue = result

     C                   Return    ReturnValue
     P #ShiftRight     E

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