Code overview:

AG03 - Subfile pgm to show a list of members
       Will accept option to print a member
AG01CL - Does overrides and calls AG01
AG01 - Print a source member.  Presumes that
       the member is pointed to by a prior
AG02 - "List members" API

The intent is to model somebody converting some OPM code to RPG IV and
starting to build a "WRKMBRPDM" like tool.  Currently it accepts only "P" to
print the source.  The code is purposely traditional looking.

DDS for AG03
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
     A                                      CHGINPDFT(HI CS)
     A                                      CF03(03 'Exit')
     A          R MBRSFL                    SFL
     A            WOPT           1A  B  7  2TEXT('Input option')
     A            WMBR          10A  O  7  6TEXT('Member')
     A            WTEXT         50A  O  7 17TEXT('Text')
     A          R MBRCTL                    SFLCTL(MBRSFL)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(0010)
     A                                      SFLPAG(0010)
     A                                      INDTXT(30 'ALARM')
     A                                      INDTXT(40 'SFLCLR')
     A                                      INDTXT(41 'SFLDSP')
     A                                      INDTXT(42 'SFLDSPCTL')
     A  30                                  ALARM
     A                                      BLINK
     A  40                                  SFLCLR
     A  41                                  SFLDSP
     A  42                                  SFLDSPCTL
     A                                  1  2DATE
     A                                      EDTCDE(Y)
     A                                  1 11TIME
     A                                  1 29'File listing'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  1 53SYSNAME
     A            TMNAME        10A  O  1 62TEXT('Terminal name')
     A                                  1 73'MDLDSPC'
     A                                  3  6'File name '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  3 17'Library   '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A            WNAME         10A  B  4  6TEXT('File name')
     A            WLIB          10A  B  4 17TEXT('Library')
     A                                  6  1'Opt'
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  6  6'Member    '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)
     A                                  6 17'Text
     A                                                      '
     A                                      DSPATR(UL)

RPG for AG03
      * Work with a single page of source members

     h debug dftactgrp(*yes) option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)
      * dbgview(*list)

     fag03      cf   e             workstn
     f                                     SFILE(mbrsfl:dspRRN)

     d dspRRN          s              4s 0
     d array           s             60    dim(10)
     d i               s             10i 0

     d                sds
     d tmname                244    253

      * initial display
     c                   seton                                        42
     c                   setoff                                       41
     c                   setoff                                       30
     c                   exfmt     mbrctl

      * continue to display
     c                   dow       *in03 = *off
     c                   exsr      loadSfl

     c                   exfmt     mbrctl

      * see what option was chosen
     c                   if        *in41 = *on
     c                   do        10            dspRRN
     c     dspRRN        chain     mbrsfl
     c                   if        %found

     c                   select
     c                   when      wopt = 'P'
     c                   call(e)   'AG01CL'
     c                   parm                    wname
     c                   parm                    wlib
     c                   parm                    wmbr
     c                   endsl

     c                   eval      wopt = *blank
     c                   update    mbrsfl
     c                   endif

     c                   enddo
     c                   endif

     c                   exfmt     mbrctl
     c                   enddo
     c                   seton                                        lr

     c     loadSfl       begsr
      * clear the existing page
     c                   setoff                                       42
     c                   seton                                        40
     c                   write     mbrctl
     c                   setoff                                       40
     c                   setoff                                       41
     c                   seton                                        42
     c                   eval      dspRRN = 0

      * get the list
     c                   call      'AG02'
     c                   parm                    wname
     c                   parm                    wlib
     c                   parm                    array

      * load a single page - artificially stupid to make the code simple
     c                   do        10            i
     c                   eval      dspRRN = dspRRN + 1
     c                   movel     array(i)      wmbr
     c                   move      array(i)      wtext
     c                   write     mbrsfl
     c                   seton                                        41
     c                   enddo
     c                   endsr

CL for AG01CL
/* This is in AG(*DAG) */
pgm (&file &lib &mbr)
dcl &file *char 10
dcl &lib  *char 10
dcl &mbr  *char 10

ovrdbf qrpglesrc &lib/&file mbr(&mbr)
call ag01


RPG for AG01
      * Print a source member (80-80 list)

     h debug dftactgrp(*YES)
      * dbgview(*list)

     fqrpglesrc ip   f  112        disk    infds(srcInfds)
     fqsysprt   o    f  132        printer oflind(*inof)

     dsrcInfds         ds
     d FILE_NAM               83     92
     d FILE_LIB               93    102
     d FILE_MBR              129    138
     d NUM_RCDS              156    159I 0
     d SRC_IND               163    163
     d OPEN_COUNT            207    208I 0

     iqrpglesrc aa  01
     I                                 13  112  srcdta

     oqsysprt   h    1p                     2 03
     o         or    of
     o                       udate         y      8
     o                                           64 'Source listing'
     o                                          127 'AG01  Page'
     o                       page          z    132
     o          h    1p                     2 03
     o         or    of
     o                       FILE_NAM
     o                       FILE_LIB         +   2
     o                       FILE_MBR         +   2
     o                       NUM_RCDS      j  +   2
     o                       OPEN_COUNT    j  +   2
     o                       SRC_IND          +   2

     o          d    01                     1
     o                       srcdta             100

RPG for AG02
      * Get an array of members using the list member API

     h debug dftactgrp(*yes) option(*srcstmt: *nodebugio)
      * dbgview(*list)

     d* These "D" specs were copied from the IBM library QSYSINC
     d* and then modified

     D*Type Definition for the Input Parameter Section of the user
     D*space in the QUSLMBR API.
     DQUSQLI00         DS
Qdb Ldbm Input
     D QUSSPACE00              1     10
     D QUSULIB00              11     20
Userspace Library
     D SPC                     1     20
     D QUSFN03                21     28
Format Name
     D QUSFILN00              29     38
File Name
     D QUSFILLN00             39     48
File Library Name
     D QUSMN                  49     58
Member Name
     D QUSRRIDE00             59     59
     D*Type Definition for the MBRL0200 format of the userspace in the
     DQUSL0200         DS
Qdb Ldbm MBRL0200
     D QUSMN01                 1     10
Member Name
     D QUSST                  11     20
Source Type
     D QUSCDT                 21     33
Creation Date Time
     D QUSLSDT                34     46
Last Source Date Tim
     D QUSMD                  47     96
Member Description
     D QUSCCSID05             97    100i 0
Member Description C

      * Generic header
     d GENHDR          DS                  INZ
     d  USRARA                 1     64
     d  SIZGEN                65     68i 0
     d  RLSLVL                69     72
     d  UFMTNM                73     80
     d  APIUSE                81     90
     d  DATTIM                91    103
     d  INFSTS               104    104
     d  SIZUSE               105    108i 0
     d  OFFINP               109    112i 0
     d  SIZINP               113    116i 0
     d  OFFHDR               117    120i 0
     d  SIZHDR               121    124i 0
     d  OFFLST               125    128i 0
     d  SIZLST               129    132i 0
     d  NUMLST               133    136i 0
     d  SIZENT               137    140i 0

     d* Error code
     d ERRRTC          ds                  INZ
     d  ERRSIZ                 1      4i 0 Inz(%size(ERRRTC))
     d  ERRAVL                 5      8i 0
     d  ERRID                  9     15

     d SSTART          s             10i 0
     d SLEN            s             10i 0
     d inpFile         s             10
     d inpLib          s             10
     d qualFile        s             20
     d i               s             10i 0

     d  return         s             60    dim(10)

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    inpFile
     c                   parm                    inpLib
     c                   parm                    return

     c* Name of space to hold list
     c                   MOVEL(P)  'QUSLMBR '    QUSSPACE00
     c                   MOVEL(P)  'QTEMP'       QUSULIB00
     c* Create user space to hold list
     c                   CALL      'QUSCRTUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM      *BLANKS       SPCATR           10
     c                   PARM      100000        SPCSZE           10 0
     c                   PARM      x'00'         SPCINT            1
     c                   PARM      '*ALL    '    SPCAUR           10
     c                   PARM      *BLANKS       SPCTXT           50
     c                   PARM      '*YES    '    SPCRPL           10
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

     c* Set up parms for spooled file list API
     c                   eval      QUSFN03    = 'MBRL0200'
     c                   eval      qualFile   = inpFile + inpLib
     c                   eval      QUSMN      = '*ALL'
     c                   eval      QUSRRIDE00 = '0'

     c* Put the list into the space
     c                   CALL      'QUSLMBR'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    QUSFN03
     c                   PARM                    QualFile
     c                   PARM                    QUSMN
     c                   PARM                    QUSRRIDE00
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

     c* Determine how many entries,
     c*           where they begin
     c*           by examining the generic header
     c                   Z-ADD     1             SSTART
     c                   Eval      SLEN=%size(GENHDR)
     c                   CALL      'QUSRTVUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    SSTART
     c                   PARM                    SLEN
     c                   PARM                    GENHDR
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

      * Did the list fit in the space?  (list complete)
     c                   if        INFSTS <> 'C'
     c     'Not complete'Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   endif

     c* Working offset will be changed in the loop, but for the start, point
to the list and
     c* retrieve "list entry size" bytes
     c     OFFLST        ADD       1             SSTART
     c                   eval      slen = SIZENT

      * Did the API return more data than my structure can hold?
      * maybe the API returns more information in this release...
     c                   if        SIZENT > %size(QUSL0200)
     c     'API struc'   Dump
     c                   endif

     c* Extract list from user space 1 at a time
     c                   DO        NUMLST        i
     c                   CALL      'QUSRTVUS'
     c                   PARM                    SPC
     c                   PARM                    SSTART
     c                   PARM                    SLEN
     c                   PARM                    QUSL0200
     c                   PARM                    ERRRTC

     c* Check for errors
     c                   If        ErrID<>*Blanks
     c                   Dump
     c                   Goto      EndofPgm
     c                   Endif

      * Load as far as the array and no farther
     c                   if        i <= %elem(return)
     c                   movel     QUSMN01       return(i)
     c                   move      QUSMD         return(i)
     c                   else
     c                   leave
     c                   endif

     c* Next entry
     c                   ADD       SIZENT        SSTART
     c                   ENDDO

     c     EndofPgm      Tag
     c                   Eval      *InLR=*On

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